MindFlex Duel

The leap that has given this technology is obvious: what a couple of years ago was achieved in laboratories and expensive helmets, today it is possible to do with increasingly smaller receivers and most everyday uses, that a little will begin to turn our thoughts into reality. Mental phone iPhone and iPad control system has proven to be very easy for the majority of users, but the company PLX Devices believes that you can be even more. This is thanks to your product XWave, the first system of mental measurement that is compatible with the Apple smartphone. To acquire it, the computer comes with two applications: one is called XWave Tunes, which associates the songs that are stored on your computer with the mental States of the user who registers the device. Then, the user must only think that you want to be relaxed and do it, so that the system automatically activate only the music that will help you to be in that State.

The company has since available to companies developing software to make others most systems that use this meter, such as Tug of Mind, a game of skill where move objects with the mind. The system has a cost of $100. Education and warning so far, all the mental measurement devices have been created in form of helmets, or something similar that is placed on the head. However, the Freer Logic company is developing a system called BodyWave, which can place with an elastic band on one arm and from there monitor the level of concentration and mental activity of a user. In addition, it also controls levels of anxiety, stress and attention. The grace of this system is that it uses to modify behaviors of people, forcing them to relax or concentrate to achieve changes on a screen. Currently, the system is being used to treat children with attention problems, through the use of games that can only win is still with a high level of concentration.

In them, children take roles of magicians who can perform different spells just thinking about what they want to do. The only problem so far is its price: $1,800, which gives access to the sensor, a training and the necessary software to create applications. More entertainment entertainment systems could not be absent in this technology. The Mattel company, for example, will launch this year a game called MindFlex Duel, allowing two people to compete in a duel of concentration. Each with its sensors must be approached to move a ball through a circuit. The first one which reaches the opposite side WINS. The Canadian company InterXon, meanwhile, is working on two projects: a game for iPad which through concentration it is possible to make the game go making it easy, and a few 3D lenses capable of changing the content on the screen depending on the mental state of the person.