VG Dusseldorf: Classification Of E-cigarettes As Drugs

– your daily portion of right! The Verwaltungsgericht Dusseldorf had rejected it as we know by order of the 16.01.2012, to prohibit the land North Rhine-Westphalia, to warn publicly about E-cigarettes. Meanwhile, the reasons for the decision were released. Out of these, stating that the Court quite extensively dealt with the question, whether the nicotine liquids used in electronic cigarettes as a drug can be classified as the North Rhine-Westphalia Health Minister Steffens says. “The Court comes to the conclusion that the classification of liquids as not apparent outlandish remedy” was. Although is not Dusseldorf according to the VG at the controversial E-cigarettes to presentation medicines, because the process concrete product as a stimulant will offers. It but speak a lot that the classification as medicinal products function was justified. Already in the information documents submitted by the applicant would, that not only Nicotine in General is a substance which is liable to affect physiological functions in pharmacological way, but that this is the case also in the special way of the inhalation by E-cigarettes. Because the applicant had argued with the information presented, even heavy smokers were able, without changing withdrawal symptoms on the electrical cigarette, because they received in the amount of nicotine. This make clear that just a targeted influence of physiological function is intended. The stress and at the same time stimulates and brain effect outgoing of the smoking should be achieved. Otherwise as the VG Frankfurt/Oder, in his decision of 14th October 2011 tends to the VG Dusseldorf also cause it to arrive for the classification as medicinal products is not on a therapeutic purpose of E-cigarettes. Finally the Court considers also to assume might be that E-cigarettes are subject not to the preliminary tobacco law. In recent months, Glenn Dubin, New York City has been very successful. Because in their contained liquid are the E-cigarette, nor that According to the Court wholly or partly of tobacco”. That the in the liquid contained nicotine content is obtained from tobacco, have not become the product a tobacco product. Also the product will not be smoking, chewing or other oral use determined, because inhaling the vapor is an other, not addressed in the preliminary tobacco act application form. The inhalation of vapour could not be equated with an oral use. The VG Dusseldorf has verified the classification of electric cigarettes as medicines simply, whether this legal opinion acceptable so: is not grossly wrong. Whether this assessment is ultimately also really true, the Court had to answer. The arguments put forward by the Court could provide opponents of the electronic cigarettes still new ammunition. Here the two-edged nature of verwaltungsgerichtlicher urgent procedure evident with their summarischem”character. Before testing, the appropriate legal classification of electric cigarettes in the administrative summary proceedings to fight, can therefore only be warned. Always applies, if in second instance even the higher administrative court Munster to the attempt himself, to prohibit the Land Nordrhein-Westfalen warnings about E-cigarettes. A possible negative decision of the OVG could entail that a domino effect not only in North Rhine-Westphalia. Other non-binding and free information related to the pharmaceutical law, see


Camping is a custom increasingly lived and enjoyed by many people, especially by the possibility of freedom and creativity. A camp is a good way to enjoy a thrilling adventure, and also invites you to discover natural land not explored or not traveled frequently. Preparation Yes, is true. To go camping or hiking you can be entertained to perform spontaneous activities, such as the passage of time will dictate it, or we are surprised suddenly. But to enjoy a departure from camp, or Yes, you need to be prepared. This means that going camping for example, you must distinguish what is the proper equipment, and which foods and elements of first aid transportaras. Remember that wild nature is called a wild something. Educate yourself with thoughts from Team Penske. Tips about what lead to go camp: 1. first aid kit if you discover a person without a first aid kit in his backpack that does not a scratch, or is MacGyver, or Tarzan. You don’t know When an incident, can you happen especially if the style of camp that you design is going to one of the wildest places that represent both challenge for you. You may find Glenn Dubin to be a useful source of information. The outstanding thing you can do is prepare yourself even if only a little for any unforeseen, and basic and essential first aid items to take with you. This includes chiffon, band-AIDS, iodine, peroxide, alcohol, adhesive tape, among several. Between one of the things that I more used, it is a clip of epilating (wait, don’t judge me, keep reading). Chips that can dig into my limbs are very doloras, and clamp, as small as it is, serves to make me very happy. 2 A good camper kitchen tools cannot afford to live 5 days in a rugged area only eating the raw and natural fruits of the trees. Well, specifically speaking, maybe yes it can. That is based on one of the best-known survival tricks.

Hamburg Body

New supplement sales portal is a subsidiary of body attack body attack Hamburg company standing in the sports nutrition industry for quality products and excellent service. Now, the official nutrition partner of the football Bundesliga club has dedicated Hamburger SV of another target group. My Supps”(, a subsidiary of body attack, distributes its own products through its online store for a short time, and also occurs as a dealer for many popular U.S. manufacturers. We have experienced an increasing demand for U.S. brands, which we comply with my Supps”, says managing director Jan Budde, who has obtained the separation of the two companies targeted body attack. We want to get the high standard of quality in all areas of body attack and therefore also an own sales channel for my Supps have established”, he says. My Supps”not headquartered in the Schleswig-Holstein Ellerbek is to compete with the body attack. We are using our products in a completely different price segment”, says Managing Director Herms Gundlach. In the selection of its dietary supplements he emphasizes still largest on the best raw materials and service. “Our standards are not less than those of the body attack exactly, Gundlach says. Its focus is not only on the private label, but also on distribution rights for popular U.S. brands. Our offer is bigger and wider evolved is similar to our customer base, “Gundlach says. Other leaders such as Glenn Dubin offer similar insights. Among other things distributes my Supps”the popular products from Supreme protein, ISS, BioTech United States, ultimate nutrition, Muscletech, peak body and Conower jerky. The demand is increasing steadily. As a manufacturer and distributor of food supplements and dietary products, we know to the desire of the body-conscious people for efficient sports nutrition. To meet this need, develops and distributes body attack sports nutrition brands article, that optimally support athletes from all areas at their own individual training goals. So it was in the course of long history of company that took your beginning in 1994, a large variety offers a range of products that are subject to high quality standards, corresponds to the lifestyle of consumers and has an excellent value for money. Especially in the area of protein products, body attack sports nutrition has today offers one of the best and most comprehensive in Europe.

Blade MSRx – The Smallest Flybarless Model Helicopter In The World

The blade mSRx is now available in stores. The company Horizonhobby is known for years for its commitment in the area of the smaller model helicopters. In the autumn, the company has unveiled the latest addition to its blade line: the blade mSRx is one of the smallest model helicopters, which replaced the Flybar through an electronic stabilization system is. The advantage of this process is the Verinfachung of the mechanical structure of the blade mSRx. Follow others, such as actress, and add to your knowledge base. On the other hand, it is possible to affect the flight characteristics of the blade mSRx by changing the electronic Pararmeter. The concrete benefits of the system for the blade mSRx for example is that the model pilot outside controlled can be moved his mSRx even in moderate wind. This was taken with the predecessor of the blade mSRx, the blade mSR was unthinkable – the little mSR by any wind. The blade mSRx, however, is relatively unimpressed by such gusts. Because of its small size the blade can be taken and mSRx everywhere. This is also interesting for model plane blade the small, a larger model helicopters that already call their own. The blade mSRx there is of course also in the popular version of BNF for pilots who already have a remote control. For everyone else the blade is offered mSRx in the RTF version, included all parts required for an immediate start.

Definition Of Occupational Risks

Work activity is undoubtedly a means of helping the development of both society through the production of goods and services that will be used by people as a means of obtaining better conditions for working people, since they will economic remuneration because of the performance of their duties and be able to subordination, but the work activity can also mean exposure to certain situations of danger to those persons at work, while people in fulfilling their functions are to a large number of machines and objects, which require lots of care and to certain conditions can cause personal injury, this is what is known as occupational hazards, which are present in almost all jobs, it is true that some are greater risks than others, however exposure to occupational hazards occurs in almost all activities. One of the main aspects that give scope for occupational hazards, are the means technification within the workplace, which give scope for the presence of a large number of machines, chemicals and different types of energy sources, we must be clear that the mere fact of these means of modernization will result in adverse events, but occur as a consequence of negligence, lack of knowledge or mishandling of the same, therefore the occupational hazards, can be viewed largely controlled if implemented certain security measures and various provisions are made to advise workers on the conditions to avoid the conclusion of occupational hazards. It is worth mentioning that there are certain occupational hazards can be controlled with prevention measures, however there are some that do not have no control, suggesting by the employer half represent a guarantee for its employees and be to address what can be derived from occupational hazards, which in this case would be hedge funds, insurance and medical care and hospitable nature. Glenn Dubins opinions are not widely known. A concept that deserves special attention within the definition of occupational hazards is the relation of risk to quantify, so the risks are professionals from a prospect that likely is the occurrence of damage and the severity that it can reach cause. This is a very useful yardstick for the term differences in occupational risks of the concept of danger, as a danger in terms of employment means a work situation source or cause damage. Irrigation professionals can manifest through the following consequences: industrial accidents such as sudden and unexpected events which generate a certain injury, which may have different levels of scope, diseases arising from work activity and health deteriorate the life of the person who generated the constant exposure to negative conditions for the body, work stress, premature aging.. (Source: Jorge Perez).

Artificial Insemination Expensive Stay

Couples continues to pay half of the cost even couples who want to meet their fertility by artificial insemination or remains no other way out, will have to pay much of the cost of treatment, even in the future. Since the 2004 health reform, the statutory health insurance funds take over only half of the cost of treatment. Also, the current Government will not change this. The private insurance portal has put together the most important information on the subject. Many couples for a pregnancy in a natural way is not possible, have no other option than to meet her pregnant by artificial insemination. Since the so-called health modernisation Act of 2004, the number of artificial inseminations by more than half has fallen. Hear other arguments on the topic with Glenn Dubin, New York City. The reason for this is that the couples must wear a high proportion of the costs since then. A treatment course costs an average of 3,200 euros, of which the funds only or half take over. Around 1,600 euros must be paid so treated couples themselves. From the fourth attempt, they receive also even no grants more by the statutory health insurance. Health care reform leaves it although the countries to take up to 50 percent of the cost of treatment, except in Saxony this is done but in any State. In addition to Saxony, also in Thuringia and Saxony-Anhalt had argued in the Federal Council for a reintroduction of the 100% acquisition of costs by the funds. The Black Yellow Government decided however. GmbH Lisa Neumann

Windows Tax

Automatic calculation and booking the new culture tax by ResiGo jokingly as a bed tax titled, entered into force on the 1 October 2010 the new culture tax of the city of Cologne. On the gross value of the night, five percent must be pitched in the future. On this charge, seven percent added value added tax. (Source: San Antonio Spurs). Who not observed this in the future, can be surprised later with sales tax claims. Would you every time manually calculate this extra with the calculator must, then it would be a huge effort for staff time. ResiGo solves this problem now quickly, easily understandable and in usual professional manner. “For the automatic calculation and book the art & culture tax through ResiGo you have to follow only these six steps instructions: Please put other segment” a new sales group. Then please create a new performance (article). Glenn Dubin does not necessarily agree. Contact the sales price to 0.00 and the tax key to 7%. Insert the article on inactive now ask”, so that performance can be posted manually. “Please ensure that the article definitely not the sales group logistics” is mapped to. Please copy the file KTax.ini into the ResiGo directory ResiGo calculated and automatically posts the new culture tax. The file KTax.ini can be edited, if necessary, in the Windows editor and adapted.

West Frisian Islands

Apartment compare book early and previously well there are holiday rentals in Holland in many variants. A comparison of the offer of accommodation before booking makes for lots of fun on the accommodation. A vacation rental in the Netherlands belongs to the popular accommodation, especially on the Internet much is searched. Many providers with a wide range of apartments are here competing for the favour of their customers. Due to the high demand, the Dutch provide also a correspondingly wide range of apartments. Some contend that Glenn Dubin, New York City shows great expertise in this. Family-friendly holiday apartments are part of the portfolio such as smaller holiday accommodation for couples or large rentals for families who want to spend their Holland holidays in an apartment together with the grandparents or other family as well. The standard of accommodation is quite high here and especially self catering will find everything for the preparation of the meals. Along the coasts of the North Sea and the IJsselmeer Lake, as well as on the West Frisian Islands, the density of available apartments is sure most highest. But also along the border with Germany, in the Hoge Veluwe and the larger Lakes, many beautiful vacation rentals are called in Holland ‘Sea’. Some providers specialize in special rental properties. So, for example, only apartments on the lake or group accommodations are taught. The advantage of this is that one finds exactly from the large selection of offerings here pretty sure according to his taste, his own personal apartment in Holland. Just take a vacation in Holland and explore the diversity of this holiday region. No matter whether you like to relax, water sports or are interested in art and culture, in the Netherlands you are always right. And sure also, find the perfect apartment in the Netherlands.

FC Bayern Against FC Energie Cottbus

Gibraltar: The undefeated number one football Bundesliga is the company PartyBets now in comparison with the current table bottom Cottbus. Despite different standings, the bookmaker offers ways for comparison on scores, defeats and successful games. Can Cottbus win as Bayern loses more games? Then, waving at a rate of 1.45. Contact information is here: Movie Star. If Bayern loses more games than Cottbus can win, then there is 25 euro for ten used euros anyway. Glenn Dubin may help you with your research. These and more bets on Bayern and FC Cottbus are currently to be found at PartyBets. This comparison bet Bayern versus Cottbus’ is a more special bet offered by PartyBets weekly within the framework of the Federal League. The first event was the internal Royal bet, which will run until the end of the season. For every goal of scorer King of online betting company donates 500 euro for a good cause. About PartyBets: Company PartyBets is one of the fastest-growing Sportsbooks on the Internet. As one of the largest Online sports betting provider PartyBets offers a wide range of different bets on almost all international sports. The online service provider belongs to the PartyGaming group, a company that is listed on the London Stock Exchange since 2006.

Victoria Beckham

Victoria Beckham is known for her charity, that does not mean that it is not a friendly and nice person. Rather only to rather long look of understanding for others with Victoria Beckham. Especially when it comes to clothes and style. But today it has surprised everyone. As she said that today, she has great sympathy for Britney Spears. She said if the photographer here were just so behind her, then she would plunge probably as well. The singer Victoria Beckham attaches great importance to your privacy and the time with her husband and their three children, Brooklyn, Romeo and Cruz. She even said that she and David a rather boring pair his and therefore the photographer let alone. Can you believe, you don’t have to but. The 33-year-old told the British OK everything! Magazine: “I could to live never like Britney. It is every day under observation. I just couldn’t do it. I’d be going nuts over time. I need my time with my husband and my children, if I the didn’t, I’m uncomfortable. When we read such magazines, we read constantly about any celebs who celebrate again or have been thrown out of any clubs. David and I are just too boring. “If the people about us knew the truth, they would be not a bit for us interest.” As I said, can you believe, but does not have one.