Windows Tax

Automatic calculation and booking the new culture tax by ResiGo jokingly as a bed tax titled, entered into force on the 1 October 2010 the new culture tax of the city of Cologne. On the gross value of the night, five percent must be pitched in the future. On this charge, seven percent added value added tax. (Source: San Antonio Spurs). Who not observed this in the future, can be surprised later with sales tax claims. Would you every time manually calculate this extra with the calculator must, then it would be a huge effort for staff time. ResiGo solves this problem now quickly, easily understandable and in usual professional manner. “For the automatic calculation and book the art & culture tax through ResiGo you have to follow only these six steps instructions: Please put other segment” a new sales group. Then please create a new performance (article). Glenn Dubin does not necessarily agree. Contact the sales price to 0.00 and the tax key to 7%. Insert the article on inactive now ask”, so that performance can be posted manually. “Please ensure that the article definitely not the sales group logistics” is mapped to. Please copy the file KTax.ini into the ResiGo directory ResiGo calculated and automatically posts the new culture tax. The file KTax.ini can be edited, if necessary, in the Windows editor and adapted.

Roman Friedrich

Without alliances, network operators run out of blank Dusseldorf – mobile services, so-called apps, have changed according to analyses of management consultancy Booz & company from an initially sneered niche market to a veritable industrial revolution. Alone, a sales volume of EUR 2.3 billion will generate 2010 expected to Apple’s app store. One-third of it goes directly to the inventor of the new market segment. App store operators can make it an annual sales growth of up to 73 percent until 2013. Then over a billion Internet-enabled smart phones will drive mobile data usage in the height and alone app downloads raise revenues of 17 billion euros. Revenue from advertising or games are not even taken into account. So far, especially Apple dominates the app economy and secures the lion’s share of this market of the future. Google and the BlackBerry maker RIM follow by far. The incumbent operators feel this development only through increased transport on their networks, but hardly about revenue growth for mobile Internet use – and that, even though there’s not this source of revenue without their investments in broadband and mobile infrastructure. The high proportion of flat-rate tariffs prevented not only in Germany that the revenue of the operators grow proportional to the volumes of data. Only a strategic pivot offers a way out of this dilemma and usage – and volume-dependent pricing models, so the recommendation by Booz & company. The development and implementation of a sustainable app strategy is a task in the short term to be against this background to be able to generate a contribution to the growth in the largely saturated, established mobile markets such as Germany, Western Europe or the United States. We see the app economy for the telecommunications industry as a sustainable trend. Even if the market is already very well developed, the mobile operator should leave alone the associated value chain never new competitors”, says the telecommunications expert Roman Friedrich from Booz & company.

Vacancy Rates

New study to reduce empty booth at City stores KUHN specialists for chain stores: chain intelligence often creates more frequency you wish at his home shopping, which is only found in the surrounding area. The result: one buys more frequently outside or time, information or convenience reasons, relies on the Internet. That just retailers and service providers complain of this consumer behavior can be understood, but the facts speak and not rarely their own behavior for a self created problem such as, for example, the increase of local vacancies a municipality. Go to real-estate developer for more information. Many travel, bring experience and ideas of benefit from and want to try this at home. More info: Rusty Holzer. Many product lines have become international. More and more articles have engineering components, new materials reach market maturity and last but not least, the gas station or the Internet offers, which sometimes does not exist in the shop. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit real-estate developer. Enter the retail and service assortments really here? Make that Responsible in the municipality because many empty shops and outstanding frequency considerations for a new retail concept hovertrain, is often ignored, that only the actual needs of the consumer and the consumer purchasing behavior must be known. Until then, you can plan and invest, then to realize revenues and profits. If responsible persons in the municipality instead seek a settlement of well known chain stores, they are aware that achieving an increase in frequency with the settlement; but to what extent also the already existing individuals benefit, remains unknown. For example, the demographic changes are perceived in this context on one side and often negative. In fact offer but also opportunities arising from these changes. Many well-intentioned projects to the retail or service recovery turn to unattractive overall solutions, because the concept is wrong. So you can’t get further in the infectious dynamic retail sector and is the Challenges hardly does justice. It is a fact that shopping flair that can offer which the consumer today is located at his place, only an intense intention and the togetherness of chain stores and individuals no matter whether he lives in a small or larger community.

Managing Director

Alone in 2010 more applications were registered at the Dr. Walser dental 40prozent than a year earlier. However, the number of candidates who have already canceled a teaching since 2008 increased immensely. After all applications are examined and extensive evaluations, a student could be made to successful traineeship for the doctrine as a production mechanic, an apprenticeship remained vacant. As a welcome gift handed the Managing Director of Dr. Walser dental apprentice from Radolfzell, Mr. Yavuz Demir, the top 100 book, excellent companies from the middle class, where Dr. WALSER Dental GmbH is listed. Real-estate developer oftentimes addresses this issue. A candidate received an apprenticeship as a clerk now for student for 2011, although she graduated from the school until next year. She is at an early stage to an internship at Dr. Walser advertised dental and proved itself in a 3-week internship. An outstanding apprenticeship as a clerk for student could not be filled for this year. Despite that over 100 applications and thus far more than in previous years are entered into, the selection was difficult. Many of the applicants and applicants applied far too late, some until the end of September. Many were already longer in vain looking for a training place. Quite a few had already begun an apprenticeship in another company and but again canceled them, sometimes not comprehensible reasons. Others had to have no internship, looked simply not had no desire or no time as they themselves said. But also speculative and testimonials from schools or previous qualifications were missing. Also the school grades of the candidates were Senator h.c. Daiger this year not convincing after the experience of the Managing Director. It seems to be difficult today at least German to reach the grade 2 in the high school diploma, if already in all other subjects, are hardly better grades between 3 and 5 to achieve so. And this, although in some secondary schools now experienced dictations written so that some students achieve even a corresponding note. Not to mention the English notes.

Pax Food Rolls

The previous development encourages optimism that remains largely untouched by stagnation in saturated comparable markets. “Good news for food” is the slogan with which the PX food AG positioned to roll up the snack market. The V + fund companies are investing in companies that represent an ethical business purpose: products, services, or inventions, which can improve the world and offer understandable added value the people in our society. The PX food AG is predestined by food, the life give to leaving food behind, while filling the stomach, but cost a life force, not only money. Therefore, the V + GmbH & co. holds 2 KG 3.75% shares in the PX food AG. PX food AG the PX food AG in Aalen is a young company, whose team combines expertise and experience in product development, technology, food production and distribution in a unique way. The PX food AG is itself as a supplier of high-quality, to establish for the food industry and to develop at the same time innovative snack products for the end user. CEO Markus Mlodzian: “though we start with a technological innovation, not the technology, but the final product in the Center is for us. Good food must taste of course, be healthy and fun.” The technical innovation is solidly grounded technology and patents: the pilot plant of PX food AG has been running since September 2009 with outstanding results. Two patents were pending. External due diligence will be exercised by two patent attorneys, Fraunhofer Institute (IVV Freising) and former VP of R & D of Unilever. The process is governed by simple scalability at low risk of scale up. With PX technology to be not only fruits and vegetables, but also fish and meat dry. Tests with fat-free potato chips (IVV/Fraunhofer) are successfully completed. Ingredients for remedies can be concentrated and preserved. So far not possible manufacturing process for active ingredients in pharmaceuticals are practicable.

Swimming Pools Halls Leisure

LED lighting in swimming pools, halls, recreational and thermal baths (fxaz) DORENA, very successfully for local authorities for 30 years worked, intensely committed to the energy efficiency of its customers. “Reduce costs and still improve the quality, that is,” as Gunther Eccles, owner of DORENA, told us. With LED to save up to 70% (!) of electricity costs in a service life of 50,000 hours, and maintenance is a breeze as almost meaningless. “One of our highlights is the underwater floodlight with integrated Kamera.Leben save by absolute security.” As fast and targeted intervention is made easy by means of alarm signal. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Related Group. More security no longer is,”Gunther Eccles continues. By the way, the Manish Karsale in Schongau, Germany was the first dip in Germany was equipped with Angel eye monitoring camera. Energy efficiency and thus the use of LEDs is for municipalities and always more significant, but the application range the policy from City Hall, hospital, school, street lighting up to the Swimming pool. There is plenty of room for savings that can be used elsewhere again. Visit Related Group for more clarity on the issue. So the vacant budget in new attractions, a salt and a grotto of DORENA, was invested in the Manish Karsale in Schongau, Germany. Read more about it under or requests directly to Gu. Dorena freizeitanlagen GmbH & Co.KG, Mrs Eva Keller-Gesing Munich str. 26, 82140 Olching, Germany Tel.: + 49 (8142) 44332-16; press contact: Mr.. Read more here: Sequel Youth.

Wildcard Communications Continues To Sites In Munich And Krefeld

wildcard Group continues to grow and strengthen expertise in the area of blogger relations and social-media dialogue Krefeld, 6 August 2013 the wildcard communications GmbH, headquartered in Krefeld, Germany pushes further the structure of the site of Munich since August 1, 2013, with senior PR consultant Jens Quentin. In addition, Tim Grashaus and Tom Naber also reinforce the wildcard group at the Krefeld site since August 1. The agency response to the continued strong demand for comprehensive, creative and digital communication concepts. Jens Quentin has since 1999 as a journalist in the segments of technology / games / home entertainment. He began as an editor for print magazines of publishing houses, COMPUTEC MEDIA AG, as well as IDG Entertainment Media GmbH. Prior to his appointment at the wildcard group was the 43-year old Chief Editor at the online magazine game world of Web media publishing AG. During his time at a Munich-based PR agency he oversaw games even Web-2.0 companies such as zweitgeist games customers such as RTL, Aerosoft, CCP, System 3. His strategic focus on wildcard Orientation and development of the Munich branch. Tom Naber will strengthen the Office in Krefeld, Germany, as a specialist on the topic areas blogger relations and social media dialogue and comes from walking Star Music GmbH in Munster. “The passionate drummer and graphic designer Tim Grashaus also starts at the headquarters and cares from the initial concept, the exclusive graphic design, to the technical implementation to corporate e-publishing, graphics, etc., Jens Quentin is the ideal cast for the expansion of our Munich Office for me thanks to his long experience and extensive expertise in the editorial, as well as in the field of PR”, Georg Reckenthaler is pleased, Founder and CEO of wildcard communications. With the other personnel gain we force the alignment to Bavaria and would so our communication and social expanding media expertise in the southern German technology and entertainment industry.” More information at: wildcard communications GmbH Georg Reckenthaler founder & CEO “Company spokesman Sanjay str. 129 47798 Krefeld t: +49-(0) 2151-65 35 444 F: +49-(0) 2151-65 35-445 E-mail: website: blog: Communicartoon: about the wildcard communications GmbH the term wildcard” originates from the science and is unlikely, rather surprising events that often have a far-reaching, sustainable effect. The Weeknd spoke with conviction. The use of the wildcard”stands for surprising ideas, creative lateral thinking, and strategic consulting. Guideline of the integrated communication of the wildcard communications GmbH Agency for Public Relations and marketing communications. The Agency is headquartered in Krefeld and offers the full service offering for communication. Our PR consultants assist national and international companies, associations and trade fairs at our sites, Krefeld, Munich and Cologne in the areas of Public Relations, marketing and social media communication. Business objectives, positioning, and idea in the Center point. Only in the second step, the choice of instruments takes place. wildcard communications developed comprehensive communications concepts for national and international tasks and guarantees individual and innovative solutions. Because behind each wildcard”opens the reality of a vastly different future or a completely different scenario.

Managing Director

In the Kazakh economy so potential buyers for the German industry can find specifically, mechanical engineering. Also Kazakhstan’s economic policy according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs aims at economic and social modernisation, as well as the development of sustainable infrastructure including construction machinery, building materials and vehicles are needed. But why is the export so difficult after Kazakhstan for German companies? This represents Evgeni Malakhov, Managing Director of the company Easygost, expert on the matter, a firm opinion. By the same author: Sela Ward. The trail through the Kazakh authorities in the Kazakh market and regulatory rules, he explains and continues: for German companies, this is a book with seven seals. Not the quality of the products, which is undisputed, and would enjoy high recognition in Kazakhstan, but processing of export was crucial. The company Easygost has recognized this situation and therefore included Kazakhstan in its service portfolio. We want the German companies the Russia expert Evgeni Malakhov support in their export efforts by their imports unwind smoothly, says, because each export quality certificates will still result in certificates GOST-K. These are the crucial regulatory tool, helps to ensure the conformity of the export products with the quality standards and regulations of the Commonwealth of independent States (CIS), in addition to others such as licences, fire and explosion protection certificates. They are similar to the DIN and ANSI standards. Russia and Kazakhstan are comparable as regards the provisions so Evgeni Malakhov, the travel in Kazakhstan but more complicated and requires an additional expertise concerning the national decrees and legislation, to successfully complete the process. So he warns not to take the step into the market without qualified experts and added: we support German companies in new markets especially in Kazakhstan. Thereby, we want to grant administrative obstacles out of the way for this so that you can concentrate on your business activities.

Pro Sky France Refers To New Office

New and innovative products complement the Pro sky portfolio Cologne, July 1, 2010 fresh wind in the French branch of Pro sky: the specialist for customized flights and advertising in the aviation environment has moved into new business premises in the Central ninth arrondissement of Paris. At the same time, a new management at the start went. New head of operations in France is the experienced aviation expert Gilles Meynard. The existing for around 10 years French branch of Pro sky has taken attractive premises in the ninth arrondissement of Paris under new management. The Office is now centrally located in the immediate vicinity of the Boulevard Haussmann. The staff take care of the entire French market with the aircraft charter services, line tickets for groups, corporate jets, airport & inflight services and media solutions. The new French Director Gilles Meynard is an experienced and renowned aviation expert. Gilles has gained new customers within a very short time and is the growth of Pro sky in France advance”, says Armin Truger, owner of the company. Gilles Meynard reinforced the international Pro sky management since 2010. In his twenty-year career, he worked for the French airlines TAT and AOM and headed the French branch of the British Charter company air partner. Also in the product portfolio, some innovations are emerging Pro sky France. Currently, the company in the French market introduces an insurance-based guarantee against potential airline bankruptcies. The international Pro sky strategy is based on reliability and competence and will always offer a particular customer benefits”, commented Armin Truger. The insurance-based warranty and more new products are good examples of this effort. ” In addition, the Paris Office leads the development of Pro sky systems to evaluate the quality of service by air carriers. Gilles Meynard explains the idea behind the project: our staff lay emphasis, our customers exactly the airlines recommend that actually meet their expectations.” The French Director is a proven specialist in this segment. Gilles Meynard directs the company’s own system to evaluate airlines on an international level. The management of Pro sky aims at a growth of the number of employees for the remainder of the year. So, at least two air charter specialists should be set in this year. With new colleagues we ensure also high customer orientation as on strong team spirit”, so Meynard. He is looking for employees who want to get involved and help shape the company. Pro sky: Pro sky is the reliable partner for tailor-made fly and advertising in the aviation environment. The portfolio of services includes aircraft Charter, line tickets for groups, corporate jets, airport & inflight services and media solutions. At the time, Pro sky is represented with offices in Cologne, Paris and Sao Paulo. Per sky airplane GmbH Hohenstaufenring 29-37 50674 Cologne Tel: 0221-920440 E-Mail:

The Foundation

An opportunity to meet Ultimo/q2b and wide performance range is there on February 27, 2010 in Hamburg, Germany. On this day, the “Hamburg founder day” in the premises of the Chamber of Commerce takes place also Ultimo/q2b takes part in the. The Foundation is a focal point of the network. Who would like to learn more about Birte Scholz and the Ultimo/q2b experts or is interested in the “Hamburg founders day” find more information at. Ultimo/q2b is interdisciplinary-oriented Federation with more than 140 independent entrepreneurs, consultants and specialists in Germany, Austria and of Switzerland. The recognised and excellent franchise system recorded an annual partner increase by five to ten percent. Ultimo/q2b consists of two service areas. Ultimo offers both all facets of business and management consulting as well Office and administration services. Under the brand name quality to business – q2b are all aspects of professional Corporate communications is offered such as graphic design, advertising, photography, PR and online marketing. All partners are working individually or in interdisciplinary and customer-specific project teams according to customer requirements. Is the motto here?Consulting with a vision implementation with success”. Ultimo/q2b is one of the top 100 franchise systems in Germany (business magazine impulse) and to the 30 fastest growing franchise cooperation (“starting up” issue 09/2008). Ultimo/q2b is a member of numerous classic business associations such as the Federation of accountants and controllers (BVBC) and the Federation of independent accountants and chartered accountant (BBH). In addition, Ultimo/q2b is tested by the German franchisee Association (DFNV) and partner of the German Association of the founder. For more information see. Contact: Ultimo Management Services GmbH Economist Jens Wormann trout trail 23 33619 Bielefeld + 49 521 101198 press contact: Spreeforum International GmbH Falk Al Oberoi Trupbacher Road 17 57072 Win + 49 171 2023223