Movable Car

Choosing a jack for your car, determine its size, weight and their physical abilities. If you own a nissan march or mini, then you have enough Mechanical foldable jack carrying capacity of 1, 1 tone It costs about 230 rubles. For the most predominant middle-class vehicles optimally exploit hydraulic telescopic jack mlenky. As For example VDG2 Russian company "Minsk-Auto." The popular "dvuhtonnik" easily raise a quarter of a meter, "ten", "Nexia", and other proportionate car. It is this "helper" We recommend buying women drivers – installation with no need of physical effort, and a look that will not damage the interior of any trunk, and the price of 250 USD making it quite affordable to everyone. Hydraulic "heavyweight" could easily lift the weight 4, 5 and even 8, 2 v. Lever or Movable hydraulic jacks are designed mainly for owners of "solid" SUVs, vans, minivans and auto service staff. In comparison with the conventional "hydraulic" a major role in identifying the technical characteristics of the jacks is a lift. For the same capacity to 3 tons, the latter for example 390 mm (model VDP3/19), and possibly 533 mm, as well as the brand VDP3/20 – leader of lifting height of vehicles classmates. More powerful Movable hydraulic jacks are designed for service centers. Their capacity can reach up to 5 tons and lifting height – half a meter. These units most often used in tire changer shops and auto centers. For rapid change of tires, are usually used just two jacks. Now a few words on how to wisely use the jacks in the production of various works, for example, when replacing tires. For prevent inadvertent movement of the machine should be fixed. To do this you must include reverse gear, hand brake, and at least one wheel under put a brick or a brake shoe. When replacing the wheels All you need to work to have the outside of the car, avoiding contact with the keys, bolts, nuts under the bottom of the car. For security purposes, height should be the minimum necessary for a comfortable and safe operation. Based on materials

Movable Car

Choosing a jack for your car, determine its size, weight and their physical abilities. If you own a nissan march or mini, then you have enough Mechanical foldable jack carrying capacity of 1, 1 tone It costs about 230 rubles. For the most predominant middle-class vehicles optimally exploit hydraulic telescopic jack mlenky. As For example VDG2 Russian company "Minsk-Auto." The popular "dvuhtonnik" easily raise a quarter of a meter, "ten", "Nexia", and other proportionate car. It is this "helper" We recommend buying women drivers – installation with no need of physical effort, and a look that will not damage the interior of any trunk, and the price of 250 USD making it quite affordable to everyone. Hydraulic "heavyweight" could easily lift the weight 4, 5 and even 8, 2 v. Lever or Movable hydraulic jacks are designed mainly for owners of "solid" SUVs, vans, minivans and auto service staff. In comparison with the conventional "hydraulic" a major role in identifying the technical characteristics of the jacks is a lift. For the same capacity to 3 tons, the latter for example 390 mm (model VDP3/19), and possibly 533 mm, as well as the brand VDP3/20 – leader of lifting height of vehicles classmates. More powerful Movable hydraulic jacks are designed for service centers. Their capacity can reach up to 5 tons and lifting height – half a meter. These units most often used in tire changer shops and auto centers. For rapid change of tires, are usually used just two jacks. Now a few words on how to wisely use the jacks in the production of various works, for example, when replacing tires. For prevent inadvertent movement of the machine should be fixed. To do this you must include reverse gear, hand brake, and at least one wheel under put a brick or a brake shoe. When replacing the wheels All you need to work to have the outside of the car, avoiding contact with the keys, bolts, nuts under the bottom of the car. For security purposes, height should be the minimum necessary for a comfortable and safe operation. Based on materials

Movable Car

Choosing a jack for your car, determine its size, weight and their physical abilities. If you own a nissan march or mini, then you have enough Mechanical foldable jack carrying capacity of 1, 1 tone It costs about 230 rubles. For the most predominant middle-class vehicles optimally exploit hydraulic telescopic jack mlenky. As For example VDG2 Russian company "Minsk-Auto." The popular "dvuhtonnik" easily raise a quarter of a meter, "ten", "Nexia", and other proportionate car. It is this "helper" We recommend buying women drivers – installation with no need of physical effort, and a look that will not damage the interior of any trunk, and the price of 250 USD making it quite affordable to everyone. Hydraulic "heavyweight" could easily lift the weight 4, 5 and even 8, 2 v. Lever or Movable hydraulic jacks are designed mainly for owners of "solid" SUVs, vans, minivans and auto service staff. In comparison with the conventional "hydraulic" a major role in identifying the technical characteristics of the jacks is a lift. For the same capacity to 3 tons, the latter for example 390 mm (model VDP3/19), and possibly 533 mm, as well as the brand VDP3/20 – leader of lifting height of vehicles classmates. More powerful Movable hydraulic jacks are designed for service centers. Their capacity can reach up to 5 tons and lifting height – half a meter. These units most often used in tire changer shops and auto centers. For rapid change of tires, are usually used just two jacks. Now a few words on how to wisely use the jacks in the production of various works, for example, when replacing tires. For prevent inadvertent movement of the machine should be fixed. To do this you must include reverse gear, hand brake, and at least one wheel under put a brick or a brake shoe. When replacing the wheels All you need to work to have the outside of the car, avoiding contact with the keys, bolts, nuts under the bottom of the car. For security purposes, height should be the minimum necessary for a comfortable and safe operation. Based on materials

Drawing Cuba

Hello Here is the first practical lesson – drawing a skeleton of a cube. In this article I will discuss all the secrets you need to know when drawing this geometry. If you do not know how to frame looks like a cube, then look at the title picture of the article (it is above), you now need to recreate something like that, so we'll figure this rubbings on paper, the main thing that all sides were equal (the cube all the same paint). So Prepare a pencil, paper, eraser, pencil sharpener, and we begin to draw. Mentally take a picture of your cube and drag an imaginary picture in your sheet of paper to correctly position the figure on the worksheet. Now hold parallel line to the bottom of the sheet through the current, which will be based on the angle of the base frame of the cube. Draw perpendicular line – this will be a vertical frame edge of the cube. Draw a line just above the expected length vertical fin shape – it will continue to guide us. Heed this step because we will draw the base of the cube. In the previous step we've got something like an inverted letter "T" nedorisovanny or cross, so here's take 2 pencil and crossed, please send them to the volume of a cube frame, and the intersection point pens move to the point of intersection of the vertical fin and horizontal edges of the two – it will help most accurately figure angles obredelit that need to be drawn on a sheet of paper. Now we need to determine the height of the vertical face shape, noting that the height of the dot. The schedule is such a term, it is called "perspective". This The term means that when drawing faces are different sizes than on the side or point the figures are, the more they are smaller in size, the closer – so, accordingly, more, even if we draw a cube. (Example: you look at the the road – next to you, it seems wide, but if you look into the distance, it seemed to be crossed). It turns out that in the long run parallel sides overlap. Based on the foregoing conduct of the distinguished point of two lines that intersect at a certain distance from the base – the point of intersection is called the vanishing point. The most interesting thing is that these vanishing points, in this case, should form the parallel lines drawn in the first stage. Now measure the distance from the vertical edges to vertical edges, and noting the distance the currents draw the line at the vanishing point. And an important point, the greater the angle horizontal line and edges of the base, the less it will seem long edges of the base. Now Doris all vertical edges, as long as it were perpendicular to the horizontal line. Remember I said that more than line so it is smaller, and so it must be considered, as shown next to our side will be larger than their parallel sides. Doris and all the parties can compare the result with mine. ) To compare its result from the bulk figure I can advise this option, take a glass and summing it to the frame of a cube, using ink or felt-tip pen srisuyte it, and then put the picture on your page and you'll find all the errors (if Of course they are).

Drawing Cuba

Hello Here is the first practical lesson – drawing a skeleton of a cube. In this article I will discuss all the secrets you need to know when drawing this geometry. If you do not know how to frame looks like a cube, then look at the title picture of the article (it is above), you now need to recreate something like that, so we'll figure this rubbings on paper, the main thing that all sides were equal (the cube all the same paint). So Prepare a pencil, paper, eraser, pencil sharpener, and we begin to draw. Mentally take a picture of your cube and drag an imaginary picture in your sheet of paper to correctly position the figure on the worksheet. Now hold parallel line to the bottom of the sheet through the current, which will be based on the angle of the base frame of the cube. Draw perpendicular line – this will be a vertical frame edge of the cube. Draw a line just above the expected length vertical fin shape – it will continue to guide us. Heed this step because we will draw the base of the cube. In the previous step we've got something like an inverted letter "T" nedorisovanny or cross, so here's take 2 pencil and crossed, please send them to the volume of a cube frame, and the intersection point pens move to the point of intersection of the vertical fin and horizontal edges of the two – it will help most accurately figure angles obredelit that need to be drawn on a sheet of paper. Now we need to determine the height of the vertical face shape, noting that the height of the dot. The schedule is such a term, it is called "perspective". This The term means that when drawing faces are different sizes than on the side or point the figures are, the more they are smaller in size, the closer – so, accordingly, more, even if we draw a cube. (Example: you look at the the road – next to you, it seems wide, but if you look into the distance, it seemed to be crossed). It turns out that in the long run parallel sides overlap. Based on the foregoing conduct of the distinguished point of two lines that intersect at a certain distance from the base – the point of intersection is called the vanishing point. The most interesting thing is that these vanishing points, in this case, should form the parallel lines drawn in the first stage. Now measure the distance from the vertical edges to vertical edges, and noting the distance the currents draw the line at the vanishing point. And an important point, the greater the angle horizontal line and edges of the base, the less it will seem long edges of the base. Now Doris all vertical edges, as long as it were perpendicular to the horizontal line. Remember I said that more than line so it is smaller, and so it must be considered, as shown next to our side will be larger than their parallel sides. Doris and all the parties can compare the result with mine. ) To compare its result from the bulk figure I can advise this option, take a glass and summing it to the frame of a cube, using ink or felt-tip pen srisuyte it, and then put the picture on your page and you'll find all the errors (if Of course they are).

Strike Metal

After hitting it again takes its original shape. Another remarkable feature of glass – it does not resonate. Moreover, it is also Noise has the properties due to its fibrous structure. When installing the metal protection, even if it is installed correctly, the appearance of unpleasant happens sounds like a rattle, buzz, etc. It is because the metal is in contact with the protection of the sub-frame vehicle or some kind of vibrating parts. This gives rise to the resonance effect, which manifests itself as noise. Moreover, it can show how at certain engine speeds and at idle. Composite protection is devoid of such shortcomings, in fact, in most cases, it reduces the noise of the engine and ensure a quiet cabin in a movement. Another quality that good protection: Composite crankcase does not affect the safety of the collision. Agree, it's really important. Because fiberglass is not defeated plastic deformation, in a frontal collision, the composite protection breaks and does not interfere with nursing the engine down, on a pre-counted paths. This also promotes a form of protection from bending down. In today's car, part of the strike to be extinguished due to crushing of deformed body parts, which is calculated by the manufacturer in advance. It is therefore important that the protection does not interfere with the scheme laid down deformation. But this is not all … Thanks to the protection of the composite can be made of almost any shape, for many models of cars it does not steal clearance as do some metal protection.

Strike Metal

After hitting it again takes its original shape. Another remarkable feature of glass – it does not resonate. Moreover, it is also Noise has the properties due to its fibrous structure. When installing the metal protection, even if it is installed correctly, the appearance of unpleasant happens sounds like a rattle, buzz, etc. It is because the metal is in contact with the protection of the sub-frame vehicle or some kind of vibrating parts. This gives rise to the resonance effect, which manifests itself as noise. Moreover, it can show how at certain engine speeds and at idle. Composite protection is devoid of such shortcomings, in fact, in most cases, it reduces the noise of the engine and ensure a quiet cabin in a movement. Another quality that good protection: Composite crankcase does not affect the safety of the collision. Agree, it's really important. Because fiberglass is not defeated plastic deformation, in a frontal collision, the composite protection breaks and does not interfere with nursing the engine down, on a pre-counted paths. This also promotes a form of protection from bending down. In today's car, part of the strike to be extinguished due to crushing of deformed body parts, which is calculated by the manufacturer in advance. It is therefore important that the protection does not interfere with the scheme laid down deformation. But this is not all … Thanks to the protection of the composite can be made of almost any shape, for many models of cars it does not steal clearance as do some metal protection.

Soviet Union

And here is where the fun began. At the three railway stations in Moscow members of the group 'Tender May "began handing out cassettes on the box with the first album to each head of the train and arranged to all over the train wagons sounded just this music, and periodically announced ad: 'If you like this music, anyone can get for free audio cassette recording of this album in your car conductors' for this service every trainmaster received $ 100 (at the time it was good money). Using this simple technique, in different parts of the Soviet Union began to part the passenger trains that all day spinning the first album 'Tender May ", and their passengers obtained free of charge to the first cassette album. 15 days was distributed a railway car audio cassettes. And a month later they all began to talk about the band, her songs were spinning in all public places and youth just 'fanatela'. And this time the group 'Tender May "received its first orders for 10 concerts in Alma-Ata. And then the orders for the holding of such concerts in all corners of the Soviet Union. But what's interesting – the first performance in Moscow took only 1.5 years. First there was conquered by the periphery and only then – the Soviet capital. At first glance, nothing, but only at first glance. To promote the groups' Tender May "was launched in traffikovy virus masses. The group began to say very many, their songs are copied from tape to tape their popularity was just crazy. that led to that on the whole territory of the USSR plied more than 12 false groups 'Tender May ". Let me stress, it was wildly popular. And the most interesting – as a result of promotional activities the group 'Tender May "was touring, fame and profit! You see, back in the late 80s the idea of viral Traffic has demonstrated its viability in the promotion of 'Tender May ".

Soviet Union

And here is where the fun began. At the three railway stations in Moscow members of the group 'Tender May "began handing out cassettes on the box with the first album to each head of the train and arranged to all over the train wagons sounded just this music, and periodically announced ad: 'If you like this music, anyone can get for free audio cassette recording of this album in your car conductors' for this service every trainmaster received $ 100 (at the time it was good money). Using this simple technique, in different parts of the Soviet Union began to part the passenger trains that all day spinning the first album 'Tender May ", and their passengers obtained free of charge to the first cassette album. 15 days was distributed a railway car audio cassettes. And a month later they all began to talk about the band, her songs were spinning in all public places and youth just 'fanatela'. And this time the group 'Tender May "received its first orders for 10 concerts in Alma-Ata. And then the orders for the holding of such concerts in all corners of the Soviet Union. But what's interesting – the first performance in Moscow took only 1.5 years. First there was conquered by the periphery and only then – the Soviet capital. At first glance, nothing, but only at first glance. To promote the groups' Tender May "was launched in traffikovy virus masses. The group began to say very many, their songs are copied from tape to tape their popularity was just crazy. that led to that on the whole territory of the USSR plied more than 12 false groups 'Tender May ". Let me stress, it was wildly popular. And the most interesting – as a result of promotional activities the group 'Tender May "was touring, fame and profit! You see, back in the late 80s the idea of viral Traffic has demonstrated its viability in the promotion of 'Tender May ".