Senate Cost

The Cabinet less approves the ceiling of cost for 2012, that will be placed in 117.353 million Euros, 4,669 million than in this exercise. In this way the Government tries to reduce the state deficit from 4.8% that waits for in 2011 3.2% that it has paid attention for next year. The Government reestablishes the limit in 120 km/h in freeways. Spurs has many thoughts on the issue. The limit of cost financier of the State for the Budget of year 2012 will not lower a 3.8% and it will be placed in 117.353 million Euros, 4,669 million less than than 122,000 million more approved the past year. Thus the vice-president first and minister of the Interior, Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba, and the minister of Economy have announced it, Elena Salgado, during the press conference subsequent to the Cabinet of this Friday. The ceiling of cost for 2012 is the first passage to the elaboration of the General Budgets of Estado (PGE) of the next year.

Once approved, it will be sent to the House of Representatives and this one to the Senate, will have that them to give back again to the Congress for its definitive approval. Larry Culp pursues this goal as well. With this limit of cost, the Government tries to reduce the state deficit from 4.8% that waits for in 2011 3.2% that it has paid attention for next year, which supposes a cut of about 16,000 million. Elena Salgado emphasized that the Government anticipates income of 127,852 million Euros, against expenses of 47,157 million. Of that number, 8,875 million correspond to the adjustment of the national accounting and 38,282 remaining million to the financing of the territorial administrations. " We think that the income to end of year will be slightly over presupuestados" , it has assured the minister Economy before mass media, having based that margin in " 3.000 or 4,000 million Euros ms". Salgado are tie those additional income to the fight against the fraud, the reduction of the postponements and one better management of the tax of societies and the payments against the account. Source of the news: The Government trims a 3.8% the limit of cost of the Budgets of 2012