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Secret our success simple – it literate individual approach to every client whether large company or same ordinary engineer defense enterprise. Assortment furniture proposed in our shop big enough Here one can find for yourself that something interesting, practical and useful. Wide choice of kitchen, dining and condiment tables, coffee tables, and so will not leave you indifferent. Order Furniture is in our store will save you from hassle associated with travel from home to the usual shop and subsequent shipping. You will be able to buy any product without leaving your home! Each member our team professional with capitalized and we proud. Many clients cooperate Us has long. We value each from their clients and doing everything to were you conveniently and comfortably Us cooperate. Pleasant interface our site you pleasantly surprised. The whole process of selection before the final order of furniture is so simple that even a child can afford. Our company is responsible and serious approach to each order. On our site before final confirmation order you can see many photos already collected from the furniture. To you there is not any doubt about the correctness of the choice we have a system of online consultations. Others who may share this opinion include Ken Kao. Our experts will help you choose the most suitable option. We guarantee you a high quality all of its products supplied, so we give a guarantee on the work performed and gives a guarantee certificate with a further discount system. In our call center you can get free advice, we also listen to all your suggestions and comments. Our success – a success of our customers! The undeniable advantage of our store is clearing. In this case, delivery by courier will be only three days. You only need to sign for and then for many years to enjoy the comfort and uyutom.Sekret our success is simple – it's literate individual approach to each client, whether a large company or a private engineer defense enterprise. Range of furniture offered in our store is large enough, where everyone can find a something interesting, practical and useful. Wide choice of kitchen, dining and condiment tables, coffee tables and will not leave you indifferent. Order this furniture in our store will save you from the hassle associated with travel from home to normal shop and subsequent Movements cargo. You will be able to buy any product without leaving your home! Each member our team professional with capitalized and we proud. Many clients cooperate Us on long time. We value each from their clients and doing everything to were you conveniently and comfortably Us cooperate. Pleasant interface our site surprise you. Entire process from choice until final order furniture so simple that on forces even child. Our company is responsible and serious approach to each order. On our site before final confirmation of your order, you can see many photos already collected from the furniture. You may wish to learn more. If so, Sela Ward is the place to go. Order that you have there is not any doubt about the correctness of the choice we have a system of online consultations. Our experts will help you choose the most suitable option. We guarantee you a high quality of all its our products, so we give a guarantee on the work performed and gives a guarantee certificate with a further discount system. In our call center you can get free advice, we also listen all your proposals remarks. Our success – a success of our customers! The undeniable advantage of our store is clearing. In this case, delivery by courier will be only three days. You will need only acknowledge receipt and then many years enjoy comfort and cosiness.

Oriental Hybrid

Modern foreign varieties of lilies are obtained using special methods and techniques of great interest for local breeders, and new technological solutions are applied at all stages hybridization process, as well as introductions. Most important information about the nature of inheritance of traits in lilies. Today in this area the following is known. Hybrids have a dominant Asian presence ticking on parts of perianth, dark-red inhibits orange, yellow and orange. The gene that causes the appearance of reduced anther gene is associated with deformity of the flower. Albinism seeds – a recessive trait, occurring in the Asian lilies Martagon and hybrids. Banter-left pochkolukovichki recessive trait for Asian and for tubular lilies. Yellow and orange coloration in the throat tubular flowers white dominates. Y Oriental Hybrid white suppressed pink and red. Gold in a gloss, no stains on the proportions, dwarfing recessive traits. Frank Gorshin will not settle for partial explanations. The study of the nature of inheritance is associated with considerable difficulties. Thus, in the case of incomplete dominance backcross not give the desired results. Among the hybrid lilies are forms, the occurrence of which is the result of several genes that work cumulatively. That is, For example, the character of the heritage gation following traits – plant height, flowering, shape and orientation of the flower bulb shape. Breeders say the high ability of some lilies to transfer their positive qualities the so-called seed cleaning gene. The search for such plants generally begin with a study of parental pairs, which were obtained from the best varieties of lilies. Careful selection of a combination of signs is necessary in order to understand which of Parents "responsible" for the appearance. excellent hybrids. The most studied plant parental cultivar 'Connecticut King' ('Connecticut King'). It is known that halo in the middle of the perianth parts he got from the yellow variety liter. Wilson, resistance to diseases of the yellow liter. Tiger. Also, breeders are aware that the use of 'Connecticut King' as the mother plant dignity usually occur only among the descendants of second or even third generation. Best results are obtained when taking the pollen of this variety: seedlings transferred to a good fabric texture of shares in the color of the flower appear pure tones and secondary colors. You may find Tony Parker to be a useful source of information. Typically, the program crossbreeding include a combination of inbreeding and out-breeding. First is the restoration of a series of hazardous crossings, where lilies are used in different regions. Then the selected seedlings are crossed with one another, inbreeding may continue up to obtain pure lines. However, we must remember that this can occur is an undesirable property, as susceptibility to viral diseases. It is now known eight types of viruses that infect lily mosaic arabisa, cucumber mosaic, tobacco mosaic pogremkovosti tobacco ring spot of tobacco, lily latent virus, lily virus X-and pestrolepestnosti tulips. Aphids carry three type – the cucumber mosaic, latent and pestrolepestnosti tulips; nematodes – arabisa mosaic virus, and pogremkovosti Ringspot tobacco. Affected by one species of plant viruses are rarely killed, as the accumulation of several occurs when the collection includes a variety sent from different sources. As a result, tolerant to a single lily virus affected.

Colors Tikurilla

In recent years, the requirements for the protective qualities of paint greatly increased and this fact face more construction companies. This was the reason that in early 2005 was the beginning of cooperation "RWM-2000", which performs design, manufacture and installation of facade systems with effective-ventilated gap "Marmorok (marmoroc) and group Tikurilla. We remind the reader that the system protects the load-bearing wall Marmorok from the impact of negative factors and provides additional insulation. Environmentally friendly front panels, made of marble chips and cement. Read more here: Margaret Loesser Robinson. She has certificates of conformity "Euro-Register" on facing material and under-construction and is suitable for facing facades of houses, public and industrial buildings. Naturally, the selection of materials serious developers carefully calculate price, comparing it to offer quality, durability and longevity of the result. It is clear that well-chosen paint material protects expensive building structure from damage and gives the building beautiful appearance. And when calculating the price often turns out that quality materials will eventually be cheaper to the customer. Given the customer's interests and most of the construction company "RWM-2000," by Customer Support Tikurilla proposed a system of color Novas and Yuki. Attractive aspect of these systems is the fact that the substrate materials for facade panels Tikkurila Marmorok not require prior priming. This is due to the fact that the production of tiles Marmorok hydrophobization provides a front part which attaches water-repellent material. On the other hand, this is achieved by alignment absorbency of the surface before painting. Novas and Yuki have a high adhesion, water resistance and resistance to weathering. Thus, on the one hand shortens the process of painting that leads to significant savings in time, but on the other hand ensured the desired quality of work.

Energyefficient Windows

Energy-saving plastic windows at the moment the problem of saving the world situation is very serious. Therefore, manufacturers of plastic windows solve the problem of keeping warm by using energy-saving glass in conjunction with the installation of the warmer system profiles. What is it – the energy-efficient windows? Heat radiate all heated bodies, and conventional glass can not hold radiation coming out of the room to the street. However, application of low-E glass on the surface of optical coating leads to the fact that infrared radiation reflected from the surface back into the room. Thus, achieved a significant effect of energy saving. The quality of energy-saving glass depends on what kind of coating is applied to its surface. Recent developments in thin-film coatings having low value of emission factor to reflect back into space more than 90% of thermal energy leaving through the window. Today in the mass production of two types of energy out of glasses with a hard surface – and K-glass with "Padded – I-Glass. The coefficient of energy I-glass is 1.5 times the rate of energy saving to the glass. The difference between these two types of glasses are in the coefficient of emissivity, and and manufacturing methods. I-glass is a three-layer structure of alternating layers of silver and is produced by vacuum deposition. However, the hardness of the coating I-glasses as compared to coated glass – Less, and it delivers some inconvenience in transportation I-glasses and glass assembly, but the client receiving windows, this does not feel uncomfortable, because I-glass is located inside the glass and not subject to mechanical stress. In some cases, the use of I-glass eliminates the double-glass, thereby greatly facilitated the entire window design and reduces the load on window accessories. In the race for energy conservation as part of profile systems. In the first positions on energy efficiency using new materials system serves GENEO window profiles from the world famous concern REHAU. Profile system GENEO – a revolutionary solution, which already makes it possible to make a jump in time and meet market demand, future-oriented. At the heart of invention – innovation fiberoptic material RAU FIPRO, which is characterized by record-breaking strength and resistance to stress. For many years he was actively used in aircraft structures and Formula 1 racing cars – fields extreme loads and at particular risk – and well-proven. In the arsenal of GENEO – 6-chamber structure of the profile, the system depth of 86 mm and a central seal. The lack of steel reinforcement saves the system from potential "cold bridges" – a source of heat loss in the traditional window units. The lightweight design is 40% GENEO absolutely not inferior to existing systems in the strength characteristics. The unique material RAU FIPRO and technical know-how REHAU provides the necessary rigidity and structure to help get a variety of shapes and sizes of windows. The ability to use future technology today provides the best savings future. With the constant growth of prices for energy energy-efficient windows – an investment in the future, which will give their devidendy throughout the life of your home!

Making Wooden Windows

Why them? Because through them the housing includes sunlight, people come up to them to see what the weather outside, they let in fresh air into the house and protect from the rain in bad weather. Whatever was not refined finish, no matter how expensive or had furniture, if the windows do not match the general style of the room, she will not look like a complete and truly beautiful. Wooden euro-windows is not only a reliable and effective, not only perfectly perform their basic functions, but also serve as a real decoration of the interior. Performed in the natural color of wood, from which they are made, they attach to any exclusivity to even the most humble room, where they are installed. Anna Belknap has much to offer in this field. They are suitable to any situation, perfectly combined with all types of building materials and in harmony with wooden furniture. Wooden euro-windows will literally precious crystals, decorating rooms, bedrooms, guest rooms, cuisine. And in order to emphasize their sophistication and exclusivity, you must create an appropriate framework, namely, to take care of the curtains or blinds. In this regard, wooden windows are not competitors. Hear from experts in the field like Tony Parker for a more varied view. Against the background natural material advantageously look curtains from any tissue. The bedroom can not do without the classic opaque curtain of night with a spectacular lambrequins, Hall decorate white or colored organza, cozy kind of cabinet will give the curtains of soft velvet and tulle for the kitchen will suit the modern or blinds. Design options of windows very much, and they sometimes important not so much fabric as choice of curtains and their execution. .

Program Fazenda

"Building" TV show now more than ever in demand in the country due to a general increase in living standards and their desire to live beautifully and tastefully. Spectators watching the changes in the interior of the apartment once or country house, make repairs and have themselves or their own, or using the services of specialized firms. For an audience interested in the topic of design and repair, domestic television transmission, there exist as "Housing Problem" on NTV channel TNT project – "The School of repair" and "Fazenda" on ORT, in part similar to marching in the same time on the NTV program "Plant Life", where the landscape design for the site was responsible expert horticulturist Andrew Tumanov, because some cottage be without a beautiful garden! The television program "Fazenda" goes on the First Channel in late May 2006. This program of country life and how to make it better. Creators program "Fazenda" managed to find their own way into the hearts of viewers across hacienda landscaping, interior design country houses, green areas and landscaping. Please visit Charlotte Hornets if you seek more information. The idea first came to the transfer head producer Mary Shakhov, which had already by that time experience in setting up suburban areas and the creation of various design projects, many of which have repeatedly been published in various magazines. The program in detail describes the various nuances of the country construction – some paint and plaster is better to use as they are applied correctly, what to put on the floor and the ceiling to decorate, how to decorate the walls, as do cottage interior beautiful and individual. On the example of a typical Russian dacha can be seen that this is not just a vacation home, but also a garden, kitchen garden, and simply place with a pleasing eye landscapes, where you can relax on the weekends. Also, it is no secret that the cottage to take away everything in the apartment is no longer necessary, and throw a pity – old furniture, some utensils, and sometimes unknown purpose … All these things in the program are transformed beyond recognition and they breathed new life! "Fazenda" – a family program, all material is easy, accessible way. Every summer resident outside Moscow can be a hero TV shows. And every viewer can simply take advantage of its ideas. We must pay tribute leading favorite TV show – of Russia Sergei Kolesnikov, interesting and charismatic person, which makes the program a "home". Most viewers know him from films, among them "St. Petersburg Mysteries", "ambulance", "Trifles of Life," "Daddy," "Blood Sisters", "Life of Dr. Selivanova." The program co-known and not very well known architects, designers and decorators. All projects made with love for people and their summer cottages! In a recent transfer projects "Fazenda" this was the highlight of elegantnayapletenaya furniture. Wicker table and chair on the first floor and a small suite with a rocking chair on the second helped to recreate the atmosphere that prevailed earlier in the summer residences of creative people. Stills from the TV program "Fazenda", published on Channel July 12, 2009 In the online store furniture You can order furniture that seen in television show "Fazenda"!

Exterior And Interior Houses Of Timber

More and more families wanting to solve their housing problem, choose suburban construction of small houses. It is very convenient compared to buying an apartment in the city. His own house has a large number of positive moments: a lack of neighbors, open space, the ability to erect additional buildings on the site. Needless to say, for another opportunity to do a barbecue near his home, many are willing to pay. But how to make money is not was excessive? There is a way – it's design and construction kottedzheykarkasnogo types of bars. And can be used as solid and laminated board. In the second case, the price will be slightly cheaper, and the sheer quality Construction will be canceled. Many people prefer to build a house from a bar because of its rich appearance. However, for those who want to save, it is better to choose it for laminated veneer lumber and similar technologies. As known, the construction of such houses is carried out as soon as possible. Two-storey cottage with a garage will be erected in less than 2 months, and cope with this team of 5-6 people. Of course, such rapid installation time kottedzheyiz make construction lumber are very beneficial from an economic point of view. But when the construction of the box is completed, the customer question exterior and interior of the house. Log houses give more creative freedom in terms of finishing. The whole house is already built and ready to finish, weighs no more than twenty tons.

Hull Suggestions Bedrooms Style

Design and interior of a bedroom is very important and need to pay much attention to these criteria when building your home. Construction of a bedroom – a creative and enjoyable thing, because this room is very comfortable, and have to relax after a busy working day and joyful rise in the morning. In your common room will be all: cozy and comfortable furniture and pleasing to the eye for interiors. Even in the tiny bedroom and can be best way you put everything you need for rest. The owners should feel the full satisfaction of all that is placed in the bedroom. Often, for reasons of integrity, for the rest room furniture in one chosen style. In this case, it is best to select custom bedroom suites, which were originally sold in the kit. But if you like a separate thing from a kit – will not be difficult to get it up. Standard set consists of: a bed or couch, a few tables, wardrobe, dresser or coffee table and a mirror. Set of modular furniture often changes the style, at the request of the owners: there simply may not be different, the usual elements, or added extra, like a neat cover in the eastern style or sliding console. Last, can serve as a table for a comfortable lunch. Large role in selecting additional items is the size and configuration of the bedrooms. Need to determine the style and the room. Fortunately, today is your imagination is given a lot of solutions.

Heated Balconies

In our harsh winters absolutely necessary additional heating balcony. This can be done with the floor heating device, or the installation of safety heaters. As a rule, good insulation, glazing of balconies and heating together will cost you from $ 300. The need for decorating the windows in the main depends on the location of the balcony. First-or second floor of the south side – you just can not do without protection from the sun and prying eyes. Jorge Perez often addresses the matter in his writings. AND Here, a warm, radiant with new windows, balcony in front of you in all its glory, a separate room with natural light and fresh air. Now you can get with ease. Study. The people working at home, will appreciate this opportunity to appreciated! Computer desk and fit even on the smallest balcony. Lighting is better to make both general and highly directional. On windows blinds will look well, though, it all depends on the taste of the master study. Workshop. Yes, many people engage in creative activities at home. It could be painting, sewing, batik, sculpture made of plastic – in general, the exclusive things with their hands. Workshop equipment depends on the type of work. As a rule, will need a table and a cupboard for supplies and equipment. If necessary, you can set the camping gas and a cooler with water. Curtains and blinds on the windows completely optional, of course, if you do not live on the ground floor. Natural lighting – that's the main advantage of the balcony-shop. However, light is needed not only to artists. Flowers, too, will appreciate the daylight. Your green friends decorate and ennoble any balcony, the main thing – to take care of watering and humidity. Place a chair and enjoy the lush tropical greenery. Or maybe you're a practical man? Then arrange on the balcony of a greenhouse. With proper selection of varieties and proper care you will be able to feast all year round greens, tomatoes, peppers, beans and cucumbers from his "garden." To anything beyond vegetables – you can grow some varieties of strawberries, blackberries, and even currants! If you are actively engaged in sports, on a balcony can be equipped with an unparalleled fitness.

Special Paint

Fluorescent paint made with bright, pure colors. But they have very low light resistance and chemical resistance. Metallic inks may be pasty or liquid. Paste colors are available ready to use, while two-component liquid paints are available (pasta, plus a binder and solvent) and must be mixed immediately prior to printing. In a flat offset printing is very difficult to achieve good balance of water paint by using metallic inks of the large size of the pigment. These paints are easily erased, if they applied lacquer to prevent abrasion, reduced metallic luster. Metallic paints can also print gravure printing, but the image appears with ragged edges. There is a general recommendation for metallic and fluorescent inks – printing on coated paper, if not reduce the absorption of their luster. Applying paint layer larger than usual increase the perception of colors. They can also be mixed with conventional offset inks for improved print properties. Paint applied with a long time. Modern paints are complex chemical substances. Car paints are composed of three materials: pigments, binder and solvent. Pigment Pigment – a substance that gives color paint and perform some other function, for example, slows down the corrosion. In the colors of the "metallic" color is especially important, as will be discussed further. This binder material is a carrier pigment and helps it to consolidate the painted surface. It also forms a protective glossy film on top of the pigment after drying. Solvent solvent gives the paint flow, corresponding purposes of its application. It is made on the basis of volatile compounds. The solvent evaporates constantly (as in painting, and after it), leaving the surface of the pigment and binder that form paint cover. The different types of paint suited various solvents. The paint must be diluted with an appropriate solvent, and only to the desired strength. Car paints not so long ago the choice was limited to only two types of color: nitrocellulose lacquer (also known as cellulose paint) and synthetic enamel.