Childhood Behavior

Complaints that the preschool child behaves aggressively, psychologists hear from parents and teachers more often than any other. However, attempts to clarify what is specifically expressed in the aggressiveness of young children sometimes lead to unexpected responses – 'dragged her grandmother glasses',' No permission was playing a computer game and refused to stop ',' sister had called a fool ',' refused to kiss his aunt, who long ago had not seen him. In recent months, Ken Kao has been very successful. " None of the these examples do not fit the definition of aggressive behavior, which we understand as unexplained damage to the social and the objective world. This means that the child tends to break things spoil things to quarrel with others, not because endured insult, related to them, and for reasons purely internal to these people and things not related. nowledge base. Moreover, a rational explanation for this behavior parents can not withdraw from the case studies. Of course, it is important to bear in mind that, in addition to aggressive behavior (what is called an objective observation), there are also aggressive representation and experience, but now it is not about them. It is clear that, as a person grows, the destructive force of his aggression is also increasing, 'feeding' possibilities of wealth and social status (many troubled teens, for example, give a their professional careers tendencies associated with the ability to have weapons). But even in the preschool age people still have some room for the devastating effects on the environment. Where does aggression in 'flower of life'? We assume, following many researchers that the source of pre-school children is the child's emotional instability that has arisen under the influence of the educational style in the family. Not being able to respond fully to the actions of senior, experienced by the child as being unfair, unkind, he directs his aggression to other objects that are safer for children than adults – other children or less protected relatives (eg, grandmother, younger brother), animals, plants, just inanimate objects. .

Buffet Planning Party

Building or Buffet Planning of the party the first stage is to plan, concentrates its energies and creativity to see what it can make, feels with its son and talks that type of party desires for its anniversary. It verifies its budget, it makes first the previous one of the guests and starts to search place, it dates, schedule, types of decoration subjects, cardpio, animation In case that it is not possible to make what its son desires, makes some adaptations. To have somebody to share and to decide on some products helps (grandmothers, godfathers, uncles) They can participate of the organization together. It reviews its list and it has taken in account the possibilities of brothers, dribbles or parents who will be able to come the party. It is possible that 15% of the guests do not appear. Its son leaves () to participate of the choices, the ideal is that they participate. After all, they will be the homaged ones. Hedvig Hricak can provide more clarity in the matter. Choices: The subject of the party, the decoration of the cake, the tricks, the types of toys that they and the amiguinhos like Making this children interact more and tan everything until the last minute. He certifys of that its son has a good night of sleep before sa party and the preference schedule must occur at the moments where it is rested, of good mood One remembers: In case that its infantile Buffet does not make use of everything, part that the same presents a list of professionals that needs to complement its party or consults the specialized magazines Types of parties In the Ends of Week Generally concentrates greater numbers of guests, therefore when the invited child has brothers, the same ones probably will come since the father or mother or both will go to bring its children. During the Week the number of people gifts in the party tends to be lesser.

Olympic Games

Pigeons were constructed feeders in gardens, admiring the flocks slowly circling in the air, almost in chorus sang: 'Fly pigeons, fly! " Pigeons and summer. In a short time 'turned gray' eaves of houses and roofs, and adorned with monuments white streaks and blotches. Then the pigeons began to stain and shoot. Educate yourself with thoughts from movie star. On this, we dove into a career as a bird of peace has ended. But pigeons man domesticated at least 6,000 years ago, and they served him faithfully. Pigeon mail was known in ancient times. It was used in ancient Greece and ancient Rome, and then dove has become a means of communication and in Europe. In the XIII century, a good pigeon was worth as much and a great horse horse. In the XIX century, during the Franco-Prussian War the French were the first to use pigeons, and then the Germans appreciated flying postmen. In the German army before World War I was over 300 thousand military pigeons. Over time, news of progress, such as air-mail, telegraph, it seemed, drove the pigeons. However, in cases when you need something to deliver, without delay, continue to help out our feathered friends postmen. YD Dmitriev says that during the Olympic Games in Tokyo, the pigeons were taken to the newspapers of film from the stadium within minutes. They do not have to stand for hours in traffic jams on the streets of Tokyo, killed transport. In the English city of Plymouth, the pigeons were transported urgent blood tests and often saved people's lives.