Teeth Staining

What foods or beverages stain teeth? The teeth are those that give light to the smile. Everyone wants to have white teeth because they are a symbol of health and beauty. However, even if you follow your routine dental cleaning every day, there are some beverages that can cause anti-esteticas spots appear in the teeth. Don’t read if you want to know how to avoid staining your smile. Julian, a school teacher, told me that one day their feelings were wounded by the sincerity of children at school. Profe, your teeth are yellow! He said when one Julian smiled. That comment, although it seems harmlessly honest, quite acomplejo to Julian. He did not understand why, if routinely cepillaba teeth and used dental floss his teeth had no white color that someday took.

When she visited the dentist, his surprise was greater upon learning that they are precisely some foods and beverages that contribute to stain the teeth and cause them to lose their whiteness. But, what are These foods and beverages? Look at this list and keep in mind that if you consume them daily, you should take precautions and measures to prevent stains on your teeth: coffee. If you are someone who they may not wake up without take your cup of coffee in the morning, don’t forget to brush your teeth once you take it. You can also mix it with milk or drink it through a straw, skinny or straw. Tea. Despite being a beverage that brings health benefits, cause stains on teeth, even more than the coffee. It doesn’t matter if you like black, white or green tea.

All can cause you stains. Wine. Red wine has always been which has a bad reputation when it comes to stain the teeth. But, because it is an acidic drink with many molecules of pigment, white wine can also cause stains. Carbonated beverages. If you love soft drinks (soft drinks, sodas), thinks that every time the outlets, you are, not only contributing to your teeth lose their color and are stain, but also to damage to tooth enamel and the fact that appear cavities in your teeth. If you can not avoid the temptation of these drinks, take them with straw, skinny or straw to minimize their effect and rinse you once you take them. You may find that Jessica Michibata can contribute to your knowledge. Soy sauce (soya). Always present in Asian cuisine, this sauce that gives a delicious flavor, should use sparingly if you want your teeth to remain white. Soy sauce contains strong agents bleaching agents that are left on the teeth. Sports drinks. If you love the sport, I advise you to keep hydrated / with water. Drinks designed for athletes contain acids that will corrode the tooth enamel and create a perfect atmosphere for stains. If you want to preserve the whiteness of your teeth, keep in mind what are beverages that stain your teeth to be able to restrict its consumption. Brush your teeth after drinking them, using straw (cigarette or straw), and take a proper oral health routine, can help that stains not appear. to what stain your smile? There is nothing better than a healthy, white smile.