The Same

The well-known and proven partners of trade with regard to the Checkout technology and modern EC Terminal is one of the suppliers. In addition to a wide range of accessories and consumable materials for modern scanner cash registers and the right printing technique, offered of also card terminals that correspond to the latest state of the art. It should be noted that since July 1, 2010 new standards for the operation of EC and Giro card terminals. Connect with other leaders such as Sally Rooney here. With this appointment the standard TA 7.0 is valid, which is designed to provide more security in the cashless payments not only merchants, but above all the customers. Under most conditions jason iley would agree. EC and Giro card terminals, which no longer conform to this standard, may be excluded at any time by the cashless payment transactions, are then locked and can no longer be used. offers its customers therefore only terminals for cashless payments, which comply with the current standard TA 7.0.

Thus, the provider of POS systems, consumables and cards repeatedly underlines his expertise as a partner of the retail trade in the interests of the consumer terminals. Regardless of the conversion to the new standard for debit and Giro card terminals offers the best service for many areas that are dependent on the expression of documents and receipts. So cash register rolls and document papers are available for many areas also outside the classical applications in the commercial remains in the portfolio of the service provider. Where the same comprehensive service available, such as the authorities or the employees of TuV, printing, for example, the results of the emissions testing to document roles is the small retailers in the kiosk. From a comprehensive product range for device-specific advice provides the customer-friendly unit of product consulting, sales and service. This guarantees a high level of comfort and service not only its direct customers, but also makes an important contribution for the security of cashless payments for all people who want to use the advantages of the so-called plastic money continue to.