Zen Life

Japanese style – modern life broadcast a partly autobiographical story about a teacher-pupil relationship. In don’t change! The way to success”the author tells the story of Thomas, who is with the world not at peace: who am I? Where do I want? How do I become attractive and successful? Where is my place in life?” It is the age-old questions of humanity that Thomas headache and almost despair it can. Until he met Karin. An unusual woman, which makes him an unusual offer: a teacher-pupil relationship, as it was formerly common in the Zen masters in the ancient Japan. For Thomas, the greatest adventure of his life begins. Initially reluctant, is he challenging tasks of Karin and her master and deep knowledge about himself and his life, which lead him to his personal boundaries is benefiting. By Karin Thomas get not only a meditation pillow, but also success strategies for confronting the own ego on the Way.

Everything seems perfect to develop, until suddenly in his life happen, providing him a grave decision: his feeling down or follow the path of the master? Conclusion: Who wants to live self-determined, must change themselves before he is forced by suffering. 167 pages, the reader learns in Heidi Prochaskas book, what is necessary to do so. How he detects wishes and it formulated goals, that it doesn’t just involve – but also drive his own personal road to success. Heidi Prochaska