The Girl

Soon three days pass in that there is to go several times to the town to fit the food, always in the car of one and with the silver of one, counting whereupon the sacrificed wife, without wanting it nor choosing it, it had to rise early daily to prepare the breakfast for all while they smoothed out in the beds, after trasnochar dancing and singing, prey of a ferocious undertow. It spends all the day in the kitchen mantequeando and cleaning, trying to be kind and courteous not to appear like bad anfitriona, it thunders against while it to one with the glance and him oath that this time if she will be the last one, to recommence with the routine in the following weekend. The day of the game, the guests as by magic art they disappear immediately after the lunch; nobody question if there is quota that to put, if there is to clean up the house or jacuzzi, if there is to load the sweepings bags for the storing, if there is to clean baths. Mysteriously the few beers and soda waters of the refrigerator disappear, in case it gives thirst us in the way; garrafa of brandy bought by the owner, still fills until half, finishes in the car of the brother cousin of the woman of mocho invited by a brother-in-law who in week nor salutes to us, to take the starting us in the highway. The leftover packages of pasabocas and mecato that we brought in our own market, finish in the car of the wife of the cousin, in case to the girl of it gives fatigue in the stomach during the trip. And it does not watch the inventory of compact discs so that not him of more bitterness. And prstame a jacket for my fianc2ee who is resfriada, the same that did not return to never see. And it is very clear that nobody is completely contented.

The Girl

Soon three days pass in that there is to go several times to the town to fit the food, always in the car of one and with the silver of one, counting whereupon the sacrificed wife, without wanting it nor choosing it, it had to rise early daily to prepare the breakfast for all while they smoothed out in the beds, after trasnochar dancing and singing, prey of a ferocious undertow. It spends all the day in the kitchen mantequeando and cleaning, trying to be kind and courteous not to appear like bad anfitriona, it thunders against while it to one with the glance and him oath that this time if she will be the last one, to recommence with the routine in the following weekend. The day of the game, the guests as by magic art they disappear immediately after the lunch; nobody question if there is quota that to put, if there is to clean up the house or jacuzzi, if there is to load the sweepings bags for the storing, if there is to clean baths. Mysteriously the few beers and soda waters of the refrigerator disappear, in case it gives thirst us in the way; garrafa of brandy bought by the owner, still fills until half, finishes in the car of the brother cousin of the woman of mocho invited by a brother-in-law who in week nor salutes to us, to take the starting us in the highway. The leftover packages of pasabocas and mecato that we brought in our own market, finish in the car of the wife of the cousin, in case to the girl of it gives fatigue in the stomach during the trip. And it does not watch the inventory of compact discs so that not him of more bitterness. And prstame a jacket for my fianc2ee who is resfriada, the same that did not return to never see. And it is very clear that nobody is completely contented.

The Girl

Soon three days pass in that there is to go several times to the town to fit the food, always in the car of one and with the silver of one, counting whereupon the sacrificed wife, without wanting it nor choosing it, it had to rise early daily to prepare the breakfast for all while they smoothed out in the beds, after trasnochar dancing and singing, prey of a ferocious undertow. It spends all the day in the kitchen mantequeando and cleaning, trying to be kind and courteous not to appear like bad anfitriona, it thunders against while it to one with the glance and him oath that this time if she will be the last one, to recommence with the routine in the following weekend. The day of the game, the guests as by magic art they disappear immediately after the lunch; nobody question if there is quota that to put, if there is to clean up the house or jacuzzi, if there is to load the sweepings bags for the storing, if there is to clean baths. Mysteriously the few beers and soda waters of the refrigerator disappear, in case it gives thirst us in the way; garrafa of brandy bought by the owner, still fills until half, finishes in the car of the brother cousin of the woman of mocho invited by a brother-in-law who in week nor salutes to us, to take the starting us in the highway. The leftover packages of pasabocas and mecato that we brought in our own market, finish in the car of the wife of the cousin, in case to the girl of it gives fatigue in the stomach during the trip. And it does not watch the inventory of compact discs so that not him of more bitterness. And prstame a jacket for my fianc2ee who is resfriada, the same that did not return to never see. And it is very clear that nobody is completely contented.

The Nights

If you manage to apply this concept appropriately you will see as in more than an occasion it loses the concentration than it is saying and it commits errors or it asks why to it sights thus to you. If it begins to lose the concentration she is yours and it is going it to this to excite because it does not know what to hope. An appropriate smile to add misterioDependiendo of what you are speaking with her tries to use some smile juguetona suggesting to him that you are so trusting in situation and in how the concentration is handled that makes you smile. If you apply to east concept in correct form she it will begin to smile of return and to preguntarte because you smile, it handles this with well-taken care of and you do not reveal any reason, that gives mystery you and it will implant the idea to him to follow with you to discover why you are so trusting and which is the reason so that you smile. It is not only like exciting a woman, is also like obtaining that it wishes to know your secrets. Hazla to lose the control of situacinEste concept goes of the hand with both previous. The smile and push it to the glance to begin to think that you bring in hand, why you are so trusting and what it gives that security you. It handles the conversation intelligently to take it to more exciting subjects, or if you are dancing you do not lose opportunity to make the physical contact with the enemy without risking to that one gets angry, takes something of time but it is easy to feel. The point is to take it to understand that you have the control, and when she accepts that will do everything what you want. You can to believe me that nothing excites more to a woman than the man takes the control, by all means of form adapted at the suitable moment, I do not believe that beating to him with a mallet in the head and taking it to your cave it still works in the 21st century; but the equivalent of the modern man using its brain to show to him that he is the man with whom must spend all the nights that can is completely valid; and I do not talk about to solve mathematical equations or to give boring historical data, I talk about to handle the strategy of the moment.

The Nights

If you manage to apply this concept appropriately you will see as in more than an occasion it loses the concentration than it is saying and it commits errors or it asks why to it sights thus to you. If it begins to lose the concentration she is yours and it is going it to this to excite because it does not know what to hope. An appropriate smile to add misterioDependiendo of what you are speaking with her tries to use some smile juguetona suggesting to him that you are so trusting in situation and in how the concentration is handled that makes you smile. If you apply to east concept in correct form she it will begin to smile of return and to preguntarte because you smile, it handles this with well-taken care of and you do not reveal any reason, that gives mystery you and it will implant the idea to him to follow with you to discover why you are so trusting and which is the reason so that you smile. It is not only like exciting a woman, is also like obtaining that it wishes to know your secrets. Hazla to lose the control of situacinEste concept goes of the hand with both previous. The smile and push it to the glance to begin to think that you bring in hand, why you are so trusting and what it gives that security you. It handles the conversation intelligently to take it to more exciting subjects, or if you are dancing you do not lose opportunity to make the physical contact with the enemy without risking to that one gets angry, takes something of time but it is easy to feel. The point is to take it to understand that you have the control, and when she accepts that will do everything what you want. You can to believe me that nothing excites more to a woman than the man takes the control, by all means of form adapted at the suitable moment, I do not believe that beating to him with a mallet in the head and taking it to your cave it still works in the 21st century; but the equivalent of the modern man using its brain to show to him that he is the man with whom must spend all the nights that can is completely valid; and I do not talk about to solve mathematical equations or to give boring historical data, I talk about to handle the strategy of the moment.

Matilde Time

As our group it was small of distinct gostos, we finished in separating and finding the time or the other. In one of these meeting, I perceived that Franchico and Matilde walked alone, rambling, drinking and dancing, together to the multitude, behind the electric trio. was clearly what it was happening. The privacy level is growing and the two already not only talked and danced together, also they were hugged and they kissed. It will be perpetual in my mind the scene of Matilde leaning themselves it a wall and vomiting intensely, can of beer in a hand, to supported other in the wall. In the shoulder, the comforting hand of Franchico. It passed very badly, but they did not give up you are welcome. They came back to the folia, they continued drinking and kissing. This exactly! Badly Matilde finishes to vomit, Franchico gave a kiss to it in the mouth. Much people if made an impression when I counted this history. Today I know that this only exemplificava the intensity of the love that was born there? thing in which nobody bet, given the apparent differences of the two. The time passed and is knowing that Franchico travelled in the weekends to be to the side of it. Much time did not last until it obtained a transference for the same city of it. In career terms, this represented a step stops backwards. But, certainly, intelligent and sensible with the things of the life, Franchico wise person very to ponder each necessary aspect for its peace and happiness well. Thus, the years had been passing. Franchico had plus a son, now with Matilde. Deferred payment in the city of the interior, continues accurately in the same job, does not study more, readings had ahead become rare, parties alone with moderation and of a select group of friends. Franchico turned a man family, in deep much people would like to have a life thus. Penalty that it has discovered that, no matter how hard it tries to be logical and rational in the search for the happiness, no matter how hard if it dedicates in conquering the things and establishing its interior peace, the happiness finishes if summarizing to the proper search. Today, ahead of that it conquered, and for more been thankful than it is I obtain same for having it fact, it feels homesicknesses of its reflections of bachelor, of the freedom of movement, although the eventual solitude of the time where only it practically had commitment I obtain exactly. If to the bohemian it lacked the security of a steady life to control its impetus, to the husband stabilized it lacks the imprevisibilidade of the bohemian. Unhappyly never in we will feel them complete. But it is this dynamism that makes in them to follow in the life, although the necessity of weighing with care the decisions, therefore ways have without return. Therefore Franchico decided to continue with its current life, seeing the time to pass, the children to grow, and aging in peace.

Matilde Time

As our group it was small of distinct gostos, we finished in separating and finding the time or the other. In one of these meeting, I perceived that Franchico and Matilde walked alone, rambling, drinking and dancing, together to the multitude, behind the electric trio. was clearly what it was happening. The privacy level is growing and the two already not only talked and danced together, also they were hugged and they kissed. It will be perpetual in my mind the scene of Matilde leaning themselves it a wall and vomiting intensely, can of beer in a hand, to supported other in the wall. In the shoulder, the comforting hand of Franchico. It passed very badly, but they did not give up you are welcome. They came back to the folia, they continued drinking and kissing. This exactly! Badly Matilde finishes to vomit, Franchico gave a kiss to it in the mouth. Much people if made an impression when I counted this history. Today I know that this only exemplificava the intensity of the love that was born there? thing in which nobody bet, given the apparent differences of the two. The time passed and is knowing that Franchico travelled in the weekends to be to the side of it. Much time did not last until it obtained a transference for the same city of it. In career terms, this represented a step stops backwards. But, certainly, intelligent and sensible with the things of the life, Franchico wise person very to ponder each necessary aspect for its peace and happiness well. Thus, the years had been passing. Franchico had plus a son, now with Matilde. Deferred payment in the city of the interior, continues accurately in the same job, does not study more, readings had ahead become rare, parties alone with moderation and of a select group of friends. Franchico turned a man family, in deep much people would like to have a life thus. Penalty that it has discovered that, no matter how hard it tries to be logical and rational in the search for the happiness, no matter how hard if it dedicates in conquering the things and establishing its interior peace, the happiness finishes if summarizing to the proper search. Today, ahead of that it conquered, and for more been thankful than it is I obtain same for having it fact, it feels homesicknesses of its reflections of bachelor, of the freedom of movement, although the eventual solitude of the time where only it practically had commitment I obtain exactly. If to the bohemian it lacked the security of a steady life to control its impetus, to the husband stabilized it lacks the imprevisibilidade of the bohemian. Unhappyly never in we will feel them complete. But it is this dynamism that makes in them to follow in the life, although the necessity of weighing with care the decisions, therefore ways have without return. Therefore Franchico decided to continue with its current life, seeing the time to pass, the children to grow, and aging in peace.

Matilde Time

As our group it was small of distinct gostos, we finished in separating and finding the time or the other. In one of these meeting, I perceived that Franchico and Matilde walked alone, rambling, drinking and dancing, together to the multitude, behind the electric trio. was clearly what it was happening. The privacy level is growing and the two already not only talked and danced together, also they were hugged and they kissed. It will be perpetual in my mind the scene of Matilde leaning themselves it a wall and vomiting intensely, can of beer in a hand, to supported other in the wall. In the shoulder, the comforting hand of Franchico. It passed very badly, but they did not give up you are welcome. They came back to the folia, they continued drinking and kissing. This exactly! Badly Matilde finishes to vomit, Franchico gave a kiss to it in the mouth. Much people if made an impression when I counted this history. Today I know that this only exemplificava the intensity of the love that was born there? thing in which nobody bet, given the apparent differences of the two. The time passed and is knowing that Franchico travelled in the weekends to be to the side of it. Much time did not last until it obtained a transference for the same city of it. In career terms, this represented a step stops backwards. But, certainly, intelligent and sensible with the things of the life, Franchico wise person very to ponder each necessary aspect for its peace and happiness well. Thus, the years had been passing. Franchico had plus a son, now with Matilde. Deferred payment in the city of the interior, continues accurately in the same job, does not study more, readings had ahead become rare, parties alone with moderation and of a select group of friends. Franchico turned a man family, in deep much people would like to have a life thus. Penalty that it has discovered that, no matter how hard it tries to be logical and rational in the search for the happiness, no matter how hard if it dedicates in conquering the things and establishing its interior peace, the happiness finishes if summarizing to the proper search. Today, ahead of that it conquered, and for more been thankful than it is I obtain same for having it fact, it feels homesicknesses of its reflections of bachelor, of the freedom of movement, although the eventual solitude of the time where only it practically had commitment I obtain exactly. If to the bohemian it lacked the security of a steady life to control its impetus, to the husband stabilized it lacks the imprevisibilidade of the bohemian. Unhappyly never in we will feel them complete. But it is this dynamism that makes in them to follow in the life, although the necessity of weighing with care the decisions, therefore ways have without return. Therefore Franchico decided to continue with its current life, seeing the time to pass, the children to grow, and aging in peace.