Olympic Games

Pigeons were constructed feeders in gardens, admiring the flocks slowly circling in the air, almost in chorus sang: 'Fly pigeons, fly! " Pigeons and summer. In a short time 'turned gray' eaves of houses and roofs, and adorned with monuments white streaks and blotches. Then the pigeons began to stain and shoot. Educate yourself with thoughts from movie star. On this, we dove into a career as a bird of peace has ended. But pigeons man domesticated at least 6,000 years ago, and they served him faithfully. Pigeon mail was known in ancient times. It was used in ancient Greece and ancient Rome, and then dove has become a means of communication and in Europe. In the XIII century, a good pigeon was worth as much and a great horse horse. In the XIX century, during the Franco-Prussian War the French were the first to use pigeons, and then the Germans appreciated flying postmen. In the German army before World War I was over 300 thousand military pigeons. Over time, news of progress, such as air-mail, telegraph, it seemed, drove the pigeons. However, in cases when you need something to deliver, without delay, continue to help out our feathered friends postmen. YD Dmitriev says that during the Olympic Games in Tokyo, the pigeons were taken to the newspapers of film from the stadium within minutes. They do not have to stand for hours in traffic jams on the streets of Tokyo, killed transport. In the English city of Plymouth, the pigeons were transported urgent blood tests and often saved people's lives.

Melekino – Pearl Of The Sea Of Azov

Everyone goes in the summer vacation. But always before the person a question – where? It all depends on what he wants: a beach with the sun or cool disco, attractions such as Disneyland or leisure kayaking, surfing. And, of course, one must take into account the financial situation and marital status – with his wife or not, with or without children, etc. in the end, most people opt for the near south – Odessa, Crimea, Sevastopol – Black Sea resorts, but I want to Tell about the resorts of the Azov Sea. urce. On the shore of the Azov Sea lies a beautiful place called Melekino. This settlement in Donetsk Oblast was founded by the 19th century and has long been just a village for the fishermen. Now this sea resort for the whole family meets you with open arms. They have everything you need for a good holiday: sun, fresh air, sandy beach. Read additional details here: Sela Ward. Everything about outdoor activities – all on your choice and taste! And for the avid fisherman's paradise is a place, because you're on the shore of the Azov Sea, which boasts a rich number of marine fish. Here everyone will find a boat, fishing tackle and gear! Rest in Melekino – the practice of good rest, Based on years of experience of tourists, because how sad when we leave after his talk: 'It would be better not go anywhere at all'! Let's not forget those who were frequent guests of the village – a group of Bad B alliance: 'This is not California, this Donbas! " All resorts are the coastal line of 20 to 100m from the sea, which, incidentally, has a smooth slope, which is good for children, and every parent knows it. A disco in the evening is very beautiful and not expensive by the standards of Moscow and Petersburg clubs you will not leave indifferent. Thus, this article should prompt you to thinking – as much as I really should Celebrities.

Karlhaytsom Brandenburg Format

People, in 1993 izobrevshie MP3, today announced a new music format. Others including Sela Ward, offer their opinions as well. It is designed to provide users with more diverse content, which means that it will become a direct competitor to a recent iTunes LP. Norwegian developer Dagfinn Bach, who worked on the first MP3-player, has created a new format for digital music, which he called MusicDNA. According to Brandenburg, MusicDNA brings together several ideas in recent years. While the web service-enabled new format is a closed testing. In test mode, it will launch in the spring, and the normal – in late summer. MusicDNA file can store up to 32 GB of additional information, such as video, music, images, web pages and so on. With all that he is dynamically updatable format, which means that the buyer can receive updated information after the purchase. The development was completed Norwegian Dagfinn Bach and the German investor Karlhaytsom Brandenburg. The latest in a speech said: “I think it brought together a number of ideas that have remained unsold for a long time. I remember 10 years ago, many people talked about what we need improve conditions for consumers purchasing music legally. Appeared a good way to do it. ” The inventors hope that by the end of the summer format will be widely available.

Highlight the Article

Loudly read out loud from time to time casting a glance at the imaginary audience (you can put family members or big toy). Achieve confident behavior: you look at the audience and the text, your speech sounds freely. The next exercise, retelling text. Read the passage, no longer than five sentences and retell it, trying to transfer parts. Pay special attention to the transfer of the definitions (unless of course they have). Ensure that it was quiet, with no pauses, no such auxiliary words as "uh" and "uh." Do not leave pending proposals, bring his idea to kontsa.Sokraschaem text . For this exercise, take a long article (or a finished piece) and cut it. After the first reduction must remain somewhat proposals, and after the second – one sentence. This will help you understand what the words in the text are key to what words kept tekst.Vydelyaem keywords and create a summary of the article. Read the article or a small passage and highlight it, create a summary of key slova.Dalee keywords – ie write them. Movie star shines more light on the discussion. Immediately think of the synopsis of what you may find it easier to work, how issued summary will be easier to understand. You arrange the words a column? In the line? Connect to the phrase? Spend between arrows? Combine them into groups with icons? Now retell story in their own words, based on the compiled notes. Repeatedly retell the article, each time using different words. Change the text. Making the article more bulk on the content, adding to her own opinion. Doing it this way. First, think about what you would wanted to say on this topic, what is your own opinion on this issue. Formulate their views in oral form, and add keywords to a ready-made notes. Again retell the article, now with his opinion. Create the first performance-based synopsis of key words. Best of all, if the theme of this first show will be simple, even mundane. For example, summing up the day or any event. Think about that, "as all gone. " Highlight the most relevant results, or make the most important findings. Pick up for these keywords. Make a summary based on keywords. Tell me in five minutes about the day or event.

Wolfgang Bergmann

Maybe this is all just an invention because UNICEF needs money, that they in turn a few corrupt people in play the hands. How did it happen only so far, how could we be so hard-boiled and unfeeling? Have we lost our minds or understand? No, this is not so, it was always thus. If we look at the history books, we won’t find anything that indicates that it was ever different. This is centuries, so yes millennia. The real question, which is all of us, to a few individuals who already know it, must we: “we want to wake up and want we are finally this disaster and, for always change and understand that it should go on”. Get more background information with materials from Adam Sandler. Is there a way to change? I’m saying there’s this way. There is always a way and many roads lead to Rome. We can and must go not all him, we can also not everyone sees him, but who should want to see him and make a start. In this way, politics, the sciences, religions, cultures, etc., can this die already centuries have observed and it seen to, Yes, it not robbed a little help, that can logically do way only people who want to do something at all, who understand and are convinced to change something. There must be people who know that they are entering new territory, the there are no realistic constraints, after which it could be directed. Attempting it further with the traditional means, UNICEF will tell us 2011 that 27,000 children die every day from nowhere and it will of course only taken note. A large meeting of mind, reason and intelligence expertise, if it must be policy, is what needs the current present, humanity and our world. A global solution to all problems must be sought, a new world order and world in democracy and peace for all. Perhaps an approach to the discussion under download: “www.weltversorgungsgesellschaft.de”. Wolfgang Bergmann

Albert Einstein

What to you you annoy to him, Don Miguel, is the one of Fuerteventura placed diagonally Torrent, in an indefinable tone able to combine socarronera with the respectful deference. Before the alluded one talked back, Torrent became towards me: Is that it was there, deportee by dictablanda of Primo de Rivera, the father of Jose Antonio. And dale with calling soft to the dictatorship of Cousin! It was brutal and absurd a dictatorship like all. And, which is worse: useless. But you took advantage of his stay in Fuerteventura to write continued pricking the other to him. I there was surprised, igalo well, been strange. That is to say, taken to a strange place, extracted of my intellectual habitat, eradicated, since they do with some vegetables, to transplant me to a desert. What it annoys to Don Miguel to him returned to explain Gallego to me is that one must now be a paradise and when he was, however, was no sand more. Sand, an immense sea, three villagers and two camels Because yes, that also is a paradox: that the hell of then has now become the voluntary tourist destiny of other beings. But thus it is the life: a continuous change, a permanent contradiction. All the things are ephemeral by nature. And changeable. And, speaking of this, by the way, meet you it theory of relativity of Albert Einstein? I in conditions was not for undergoing another examination. And, less, one so complicated and abstruse one as that one. But before finding the way of to loosen to me of him, doctor Villalobos came in my aid without trying it, superposing another question: With the permission of the director, before you answer his question, he has been able to see the exhibition on my trajectory and my time that finishes closing? Then no, the truth, because I only do awhile that I am this way.

Harry Potter

But in the end to make a choice with the most difficult side – the good, in fact go up the hill is always much harder than rolling down the hill. Is this not an example to follow? For all their problems, forgetting himself, he walked to the truth through the most terrible thing for a human death. True was said in the preface: 'Death crosses the world, as people cross the sea ' It is everywhere, we may encounter with her at any moment, and because we are afraid, afraid for myself, afraid that it is not ready. Harry is afraid of the others that did not have time to do something for others. He does not think he is ready to die or not – because it is afraid of him not so different. How about this, and says in the book, the love of his saves. Others including Jorge Perez, offer their opinions as well. What else in the world is stronger? In short, come to terms that constitute the true meaning of the book – the most pure feelings about and for what makes life worth living. They also tell us how to live. Harry Potter books, of course, an idealized story, dressed in a, as practice shows, attractive and effective form. By the same author: Tony Parker. But if we ignore the form and leave only the essence, the meaning of the book does not change. It's one thing for which all is that for which we live: for the sake of righteousness on earth, for the love of friends and loved ones, for the sake of happy days, for the sake of the generosity of strangers, for the sake of his home, for the courage and boldness. For an ideal worth striving for. Always. No matter how dark was now a reality. And if such stories exist, then it's someone who needs it, so people reading books, passed through all the good and great light, implicit in these images. A light can not be sharpened, it will sooner or later breaks loose, blinding everyone and everything around the life-giving warmth, and giving strength to live on. So, that read the book, Lord, read on. But look closely, the meaning and essence, rather than on form. Maybe in some, at first glance, simple stories and you will find answers to questions that are more worried about it all for you. ps In this article described a purely subjective, and perhaps a bit pompous-sounding point of view. Nevertheless, the author sincerely believes in the most useful and important way for everyone to read the book which has been quite a long time does not give herself peace of mind.