Muslim Funeral

Funeral – a very ancient ritual, associated with the burial of the dead, which is based on traditions, superstitions, and superstitions. In different historical periods, people saw off into another world differently, and each nation has its own ceremony of farewell to the deceased. Slavs in ancient times was called burial 'Kalinov bridge'. That's called a popular Russian band, creating works in the style of folk-rock, identifying their creativity with the knowledge of good and evil. The ancient Slavs believed that this bridge was to take a good, fair, honest soul and the souls of bad people (murderers, thieves, rapists) to step on the path could not and fell into the cold and darkness of the Underworld. They accompanied the dead wailing and lamentation, and laid the body for burial in a white dress on the sacrificial fire (laying of logs).

In Domowina (coffin), relatives of the deceased were placed carefully presents and food (now playing the role of gifts ritual wreath), and then he ignited the most respected man settlements. Today, a ceremony of farewell to the deceased has undergone some changes – the traditions of Orthodoxy, the dead do not burn as well buried. Before bury the body, people who provide funeral services, burial service soul of a deceased person in the church, preparing her to stay in the underworld. Just as they were centuries ago, the funeral should not laugh, act excited, speak loudly. It is believed that a very loud noise disturbed the soul of the deceased, and it will be a long time to wander around the house the Dead.

For the remembrance of the deceased is traditionally prepared Christmas Pudding and Pancakes – a dish that in some way associated with the other world. Another Orthodox tradition – is in mourning, relatives of the deceased according to which a particular time should not visit places of entertainment and wear bright things. Unlike the Orthodox, Muslim burials require a much greater respect for the traditions and laws. The life of every Muslim, even before his death, is regulated by the Sharia – a special set of laws, under which every Muslim to think about the afterlife throughout his worldly life. After the death of a Muslim according to Sharia, the dead must wash and wrap in a funeral shroud. The quality of matter, which is made burial clothes, must match the material wealth of the deceased during his lifetime. Wealthy man, leaving no debts, cover three pieces of fabric quality. Prohibited, however, cover the body of the deceased silk men. Muslim cemetery feature is that all the graves and tombstones are turned its facade in the direction of Mecca. Shariah does not approve the erection of tombstones and mausoleums of the rich, as is the case, the last time the regeneration of the Orthodox graves, because they detract from the dead-poor. Nowadays there are a lot of funeral services, ready to take on the funeral of the Orthodox, Muslim or Catholic traditions in the event that the survivors do not have the capacity or expertise to carry out the necessary rites themselves. Although what faith was dead, and what rites and traditions are used to it funeral, most importantly, seeing his last journey, to the departed great respect and reverence.