Oslo Farm

It was the month of May. There it could work without being bothered. The first time that visited the farm to rent it to a marriage went in a rent car, to which it cleared all the symbols to him, so that it seemed his. It got to plan a form of to escape of the farm in case somebody discovered its intentions and it go to look for it. To the mudar to the farm it cut practically all contact with its friendly. In its writings it says that they insisted on going of visit, but she gave them long saying that she had much work. Day 13 of June already had all the materials of the explosive that soon would use in center of Oslo.

That day tested of detonation. It exploded and it considered a victory. It went to celebrate it to a restaurant. For even more opinions, read materials from Related Group. The last tests When the things came out to him well awarded with food and candies. But in the previous weeks to the attack &quot was drugged with anabolizantes to confront the hand-to-hand of his; operacin". In successive days it said to be worried about how the anabolizantes affected to their liver and on if him made more aggressive. Several times it comments that it fears to be shortage.

18 of June the last, the owner of the farm asked to him to return to her to take properties. Anders Behring prevented the step him, said to him that it returned another day, that was all legs above. It gave him time to clean. The woman returned the 21 from June. Day 2 of July realised a maneuvers for the first time of how it would be the attack. It tells that site B went from the site To a to become familiar with the route. Later it unearthed the objects that needed and that had kept when it lived with his mother and it continued making the pump. Between his last notes it is asked: " What happens if the Police appears now? They will think that I am a terrorist " , mofa. The latest that is writing: " I believe that this it will be my last message. Now it is Friday 22 of July. To 15,20 local time in center operated the governmental pump of Oslo. Two hours later, disguised of Police, it shot to matador and wreck against young people of the labour party in the island of Utya. Source of the news: Thus the attempted double of Norway prepared Anders Behring