Costa Rica

Costa Rica is Spanish means "Rich Coast Costa Rica – a country of contrasts, fantastic unspoilt countryside, the Latin American flavor, hospitality and feeling of complete security. Forbes Traveler has published a list the best hotels located in the jungle. In the first place was the lodge Rara Avis, which is located in the rainforest of Costa Rica: You can reach it only in a jeep. There, visitors can swim in the falls, admire the rare birds and wildlife research, accompanied by professional guides. Second place went to a luxurious Blancaneaux Lodge, which is located in Belize, the former kingdom of the Maya: The hotel is exquisitely him ten furnished villas. In third place – Tanzanian Lodge Klein's Camp, located on the area of land owned by the Maasai tribe, between the Masai Mara reserves (Masai Mara) and Serengeti (Serengeti). Fourth place went to South Africa Getty Lodge with private Luxury Villas, and the fifth – Tanzanian Kirurumu Serengeti Camp. The list also includes Indian Baghvan, Nepal Tiger Tops Jungle, Ecuador Kapawi, Peruvian and Bolivian Posada Amazonas Chalalan. In Costa Rica found a 77 Indian graves, which were created 2,000 years ago. This finding indicates a high level of crafts and knowledge of the ancient inhabitants of Central America, said at a news conference in San Jose, the head of the excavations, the chief archaeologist of the National Museum of Costa Rica Juan Vicente Guerrero. Indian cemetery was accidentally discovered in the north Pacific coast of Costa Rica in 2006, the company that started the construction of tourist complex. Hotels and golf courses have decided to move to another place, and on the construction site of the former appeared archaeologists. Now, scientists first revealed the results of nearly a year working in the northern Costa Rican province of Guanacaste. To read more click here: Sean Rad. "The findings clearly indicates the presence of the tribes of Chibcha, who inhabited the territory of modern Costa Rica, Panama and Colombia, a high level of craft and knowledge, including in the field of geology and construction. Each grave is covered with carved monolithic stone slab weighing about a ton, choice of a cemetery confirms knowledge of ancient Indian soil structure and chemical processes arising in them '- said the archaeologist. Selected items found in graves, he said, belong to a civilization Usulutan, which flourished in that era in the north of Central America, indicating that trade and cultural links Chibcha. As well as Latin America and Central America Total …

Underwater Observatory

Holiday in Eilat beautiful as anywhere in the world. This hot resort welcomes its guests all year round. In addition to the beaches and first class hotels in Eilat offers many other attractions and interesting excursions. Eilat most populated south and the hot item of Israel. This outpost of Israel on the Red Sea. There is more than warm and dry. Eilat – Israel's most famous resort. Eilat – a first class beach holiday climate, friendly warm sea, bright sun. All requirements for recreation, for water sports. In addition to Eilat in excess and other entertainment activities: hunting in the Negev desert, trips to the Hai Bar Reserve, visits to City of Petra, carved into the cliffs in Jordan, a trip to Mount Moses in the Sinai Peninsula or to the monastery of Santa Catarina. When the day-star is rolled over the top of the mountains of the desert, the sea is ignited dazzling purple, hence the name of the sea – Red. If you are not convinced, visit Adam Sandler. The main task and the only branch of Eilat – is custody of vacationers. After all, tourism – is the main and almost the only source of income for local people and the city. While vacationing in Eilat, you simply must visit the Coral World – Underwater Observatory. You will find yourself in a tank 'on the contrary, where the fish swim out into the open sea, and you looking at them from inside the observatory. You will unusual flora and coral world of the Red Sea. You can also go down to bottom of the sea in submersible. With the final extinction of the day and begins at nightfall 'underwater show. " A dolphin can swim with reef dolphins, play with them and take pictures under water. If there are any forces to enhance your visit to Eilat, jewelry factory, where the original process Eilat blue-green stone. Jewelry made of it are beautiful and inexpensive. In Eilat five separate beaches stretching approximately 11 miles. There is a small sand and shingle. Bay protected from the weather, to swim here safely and pleasantly, that's why all along the coast is built a lot of hotels.