Types Of Ceramic Granite

Types and characteristics of granite. Ceramic granite – a standard way to set the highest performance and aesthetic features. The popularity of this material is well-deserved raises from year to year. On the when it comes to flooring areas with a high level of attendance by an edge there is a question of material resistance to mechanical stress. The traditional tiles and, of course, carpet and Linoleum is deteriorating rapidly when used in public and frequently used homes. Eliminate the trouble to help a relatively new subspecies of the tiles – ceramic granite. Initially, granite was used for cladding floors in business premises. The material had excellent performance and durability, frost resistance, but not distinguished by his outer appearance. Later, the producers managed to achieve tremendous aesthetic improvements, and porcelain has a special place in the finishing of the most presentable of buildings and public places. Types of ceramic granite: homogeneous – has a homogeneous structure (coloring pigment is not only on the surface of ceramic tiles, but inside it); Glazed – as a tile on the surface is glazed, the only difference of the foundation; not completely full colored – tiles has an upper pigmented layer and the bottom, made in standard colors; Matte – not subjected to additional processing and, therefore, differs by grace, and high strength characteristics; polished – ceramic granite with a slight sheen of the surface; polished – is singled out nice sheen, but it has limits for use as a floor covering; a structured – the tile surface is made in as a texture. Features porcelain tiles: hardness – on this indicator ceramic bypasses the natural stone and abrasives; resistance to moisture – the level of absorption of fluids from stoneware 0.05%, far exceeds the resistance to moisture better water resistance of ceramic tiles and natural materials for decoration; inertness to chemical compounds; Fire resistance – ceramic can serve as additional protection of supporting structures for an open fire; Environmentally friendly – 100% natural material; abrasion resistance – the main types of porcelain used as a floor covering the most used public spaces; frost – the material can be used at temperatures down to -50 degrees.

Porcelein Enamel Institute

The method of pei (Porcelein – Institute of the usa, which conducts analysis, testing and study of ceramic materials) – is a method that is used for classification ceramic tiles on the degree of wear. For sex in different rooms to choose tiles suitable group wear. According to the norms uni en 154, depending on the destination premises and the traffic in them, recommended to select a tile appropriate class durability. Five groups, which divide the tile in terms of durability: The most 'soft' group pei I recommend using only the walls, although in Europe they allowed to lay on the floor, not exposed to heavy abrasion pollution, which is used to walking barefoot in soft shoes, for example, in the bathroom or bedroom. Gain insight and clarity with Related Group. Tile group of pei ii can be put in the bedrooms, bathrooms, living rooms, that is, where to go home obuvi. of pei iii is suitable for all residential premises, except for places with heavy traffic of people, and for small offices that have no direct input from ulitsy.Gruppu pei iv recommended use in public places with low traffic (private hotels, small restaurants, shops), as well as in any field of residential sector (halls, corridors, stairs). Ceramic tiles of pei V has the highest performance. It is used in places with large concentrations of people: restaurants, supermarkets and airports. It is very important to take into account all these characteristics, because they determine durability of tiles. For example, if put in the office on a floor tile of pei ii, after a while it will scratch the surface becomes dull and glaze (if glazed tiles) wears off and expose the clay base.