Conventional Medicine

The alternatives to conventional medicine? In this day and age, it makes little sense to run at every little problem to the doctor. There are so many good alternatives that can help as well if not better. You have such as back pain or toothache, you can rely on acupuncture. Someone who understands his subject, can cause miracles in this area. Believe you should of course also. Otherwise you will wake up again with pain, because to make up it will not spark anyway. It is a pity that so many doctors against natural medicine are. It is sometimes much more effective and above all healthier than ever swallow tablets. Salts are Safari for example good alternatives to various ointments and other medications. The right mix even manages to bring old scars fading. Of course not over night, but it works, if you eincremt much. Natural medicine does not come from somewhere. Many thousands of years man has busy. Is much longer than the conventional medicine. Therefore, it is still questionable why so many people trust more to doctors as to alternative practitioners. However some natural products can help also serious diseases. But they could at least help to stabilise the psyche. This leads to a positive basic attitude. For more information see Jessica Michibata. This is very important in the healing process. If you take a little bit of all, you can only win. Try going over study. More than that nature does not help one, cannot happen. But maybe it helps even better than some drugs. Dennis Maguire

Mediterranean Sea

Again, the holiday pleasures are marred by diarrhea. With some caution and appropriate care that doesn’t have to be. Recent scientific studies show that the traveler’s diarrhea can be effectively prevented and treated by a special probiotic yeast, which is available in Germany as afterbiotic. About every 2 up 10 leisure travel in southern countries still suffering from diarrhea. So, the risk is particularly high when traveling in tropical countries in the third world because often lack of hygiene standards. But even when traveling with our southern neighbors on the Mediterranean Sea, the holiday joy can be marred by diarrhea. There is always this kind of diarrhea, which is known in specialist circles as travellers diarrhea (traveler’s diarrhea), due to an infection, although the reason is not clearly visible. If you have read about Vanessa Marcil already – you may have come to the same conclusion. So the traveler’s diarrhea can be triggered on the one hand simply stress factors, which weaken our immune system or by direct infection with viruses and bacteria due to improper and an unfamiliar diet. Both can be avoided through awareness and prevention without much effort. American scientists had addressed the problem and looking for solutions. They have found papers in which it has been demonstrated that with a probiotic yeast, which is in Germany as afterbiotic in the trade, effectively prevents the traveler’s diarrhea. Their results were the scientists in a prestigious journal of travel medicine published. It is advised about a week before the trip to start with prevention and to check the travel pharmacy. According to the current research the use of Saccharomyces has proven effective prevention of traveler’s diarrhea boulardii, a probiotic medical yeast in capsule form (afterbiotic ) from the pharmacy. To travel in the morning and in the evening depending on a capsule containing 250 mg of freeze-dried probiotic bacteria ingested 5 days prior to departure and during the whole. This amount is usually sufficient to protect. In children it is a capsule of afterbiotic every day. Should nevertheless occur due to carelessness or insufficient care to diarrhea, so the afterbiotic capsules also help. Adults take then 2 capsules in the morning and in the evening. afterbiotic is available in packs of 40 capsules as well as the recommended treatment packs (3 x 40) 120 capsules capsules and 240 (6 x 40). The small pure vegetable capsules are easy to swallow and free of dyes. Afterbiotic can directly from the company or via this link shops/A2589KXRMH9JGY/ref = olp_merch_name_1 at Amazon are ordered. It is available through pharmacies. Afterbiotic is significantly more cost effective than many similar preparations.

Orthomolecular Medicine

Micro nutrient diagnosis and therapy for polyneuropathy at polyneuropathy can be a helpful form of treatment the micro nutrient therapy in many cases. Always a blood analysis forms the basis for effective therapy with micro-nutrients. Numbness, burning, and stinging in certain areas of the body – preferably in the arms and legs – can be signs of a poly neuropathy. Whenever Sela Ward listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Poly neuropathy is one of the most common neurological diseases. It usually occurs as a result of diabetes or an alcohol disorder. But still the 600 other causes are described that can underlie this disease. Educate yourself with thoughts from Celina Dubin. All together is that the nerves that run through the whole body such as power cables are damaged. Can the micro nutrient therapy for polyneuropathy an important supporting measure name be especially when there is a lack: micro-nutrients have for example an antioxidant effect and protect nerves against free radicals, have an anti inflammatory potential, for the synthesis Nerve Messenger substances required and are also building material for the nerve cells. The basis for a targeted micro-nutrient therapy with vitamins, minerals, trace elements and amino acids is always a special, symptom-related blood analysis. Only in this way can be effective and highly dosed the organic substances administered are required which the body. Diagnostic Centrum offers the DCMS-neuro-check for mineral analysis and spectroscopy DCMS GmbH a micro nutrient analysis of blood on which is tuned to the nervous system.

Endurance Sports In The Spring

With the spring, starts also the bicycle season Wolfsburg, 16th March 2010 when after long winter months, the days will get longer, the bicycle season begins. Estimated at around 40 million Germans are private on their two-wheeled vehicles on the road. Cycling is regarded as particularly gentle endurance sport. Endurance sports characterized a protective effect on the cardiovascular system. Also lose excess pounds and the muscle is tightened. Even people who have problems with the joint apparatus, occur usually without hesitation into the pedals. And for overweight people striving for a reduction in weight, cycling represents-friendly alternative to other sports, such as for example jogging, healthy and above all joint. But the sport also on the mind of a positive effect. Cycling against depression the all-round sport helps winter murky minds to collect new energy. In the dark winter months, many people suffer from seasonal depressive moods. The lack of light makes it to create them. Outdoor activities can also help to feel more joy again. Cycling with family, friends and acquaintances are positive: the happiness hormones concentration in the organism increases. Cycling against spring fever spring brings again more daylight, but for an estimated more than half of all Germans also fatigue and listlessness. The cause for the spring fever”is likely to seek in the hormonal balance of the persons concerned. The winter is over, there comes an increased secretion of endorphins and estrogens, at the same time still high levels of the hormone-producing sleep is located in the body but melatonin, quasi as a holdover from the dark season. The consequences of hormonal diversion”are general fatigue. However, faster, who regularly rides a bicycle in the fresh air or exercise other sports in the open air, accustomed to the new season. Exercising is important here but am middle of the day! Tips for weatherproof clothing cycling: also in the spring it can still very cold be. To avoid hypothermia, head and neck should be protected sufficiently against draughts. Wearing a bike helmet should be self-evident. Comfortable position: ideal is cycling in an upright position. This protects joints and spine. Ergonomic shaped handles help to avoid inappropriate loads. Suspension forks attenuate possible vibrations or shocks. Bicycle inspection by an expert: to know whether the bike is still suitable for transport, should it at least once in a year by a specialist on any defects be checked. The screws must not loose and the brakes must be fully functional.

Avandia Under Scrutiny

Ask your doctor or pharmacist – a note is given for each medicinal controversy over diabetes drug risks and side effects. Because often a drug in addition to the desired effect causes additional effects. Jorge Perez might disagree with that approach. Each patient must decide to what extent the positive effects of an active substance justify the in-purchase-take the side effects. The news portal reported on one such case when the drug Avandia Avandia is a diabetes drug, whose Wirkstoff stabilizes the blood sugar of type 2 diabetes. Already has long been known that drugs with Glitazones can bring serious side effects. These include include congestive heart failure and water retention in the tissue. These remedies are therefore rarely used in Germany. Glenn Dubin, New York City oftentimes addresses this issue. Only if the risks for the health of the patient are minimal and outweigh the benefits by taking, is prescribed such a drug. In the United States, however, a report of the food and Drug Administration has the controversy about the drug Avandia again ignited. The report brings the resources in connection with fatal heart diseases such as infarctions, or heart failure and urged the company to take the product from the market. Since however the final report only to exist in July 2010, a final decision is not been made yet. German patients is recommended to consult your doctor in case of doubt. More information: ../diabetesmittel-unter-infarkt-verdacht/1/ contact: Lisa Neumann University first media GmbH barefoot streets 12 04109 Leipzig Tel: + 49/341/49288-240 fax: + 49/341/49288-59

In Time Of The Prostate

Precautionary examinations and specific antioxidants are a successful team at medical Congresses ever again in detail about the right strategy for the prevention of prostate cancer discusses. It is important and right. Because the prostate is the Achilles heel of the man in the second half of life. It is a very sensitive organ that can be affected by external influences and life style easily affected. So, enlargement of the prostate gland meet approximately every second man aged 50 and over. Most of these enlargements are benign. But not all of them. Each year nearly 50,000 men fall ill in Germany new cancer of the prostate. Margaret Loesser Robinson often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Prostate cancer is the most common cancer and the second leading cause of death among men. Alarmingly high numbers, when you consider that pretty easy-to-implement measures could improve the vital early detection and halved the risk of disease. According to the guidelines of the Urological Society, a man from the 45th should regularly go on screening age and undergo a prostate check at the doctor or urologist. Key tests, ultrasonic and laboratory markers (PSA value), it is possible to detect prostate cancer at an early stage and, if necessary, to handle. Because the sooner a cancer is discovered, the chances are greater. Thank God however, the physician at the majority of examined men will determine that the finding is normal and provides (still) no indication of a malignant disease of the prostate. So that it stays this way, ask many men what they can do to prevent the formation of cancers or at least to delay? The diet plays a big role in our health and well-being. Error sewing are cause for a significant number of diseases. Also cancer. Up to 40% of all cancers are due to lack of or improper nutrition. This includes also the prostate. Researchers have found that even apparently normal fed men often specific lack Micro-nutrients and antioxidants exhibit.

Germany Mat

The resulting instability has the user through permanent and relax the muscles to compensate. The muscles will be relaxed at the same time and trained. It is convenient that no special exercises are necessary. The user can exercise while it is on the kyBounder, another activity. This makes the health mat for use in the workplace especially attractive. Just in the everyday life of people working in the standing, the kyBounder plus can be easily integrated. If you are not convinced, visit jason iley. He has proved especially suitable in the professional life Keybounder plus at a height of 2 cm. It is no matter whether the user behind a desk, at a sales counter or in the kitchen area in the catering industry is working. Just get on the mat and to follow the normal activities. Available at 119,95 EUR at retailers throughout Germany or under. About kybun marketing & trading AG: Kybun marketing & trading AG as independent importer of the Swiss company kybun AG is for the marketing and distribution including the kyBounders in Austria, Germany and other international markets responsible. After successful launch of the product in the Switzerland, the company presents 2009 increased on the German market. To deepen your understanding Sally Rooney is the source. The kyBounder is one of the TuV therapy and exercise mat made of high-quality multi-component certified PU foam, already successfully used in various areas of professional sport. In addition, in many situations of daily life, the training mat is applied; for example, in school, on golf sports facility, in therapy practices and clinics, in the Office and at home. The novel, soft floor and movement concept relies on a continuous activity and acts from the feet up to the cervical spine. The kyBounder brings movement into everyday life!

United Europe Tourism

Rainer Klesper ( Dr. Klesper over 30 years has led to a practice in Germany and treated well at certain times on Mallorca. Many patients come to us with the question according to the quality of the restoration. There is often the stereotype that German dentures must be Yes better because it’s more expensive. But that is not the case. Labour costs are lower here and hence the price savings.”so the dentist, who runs his practice in Puerto Andratx. And what say the health insurance? Also the health insurance companies are basically in agreement with the health tourism. A spokeswoman for the AOK confirmed that the cost of treatment abroad can be applied if advance held a consultation with the health insurance fund. Surprise this statement should not, because finally, the funds also can save considerably if they have to pay only half of the approximately for a complete denture instead of 12,800 euros. There are votes against, inter alia in the policy, where the parts are divided about it, how the dental tourism is a thing. Advocates praise a United Europe”, in which cross-border medical treatments are a natural process. Critics see such treatments of foreign countries as a threat to jobs and sources of income in Germany. Most criticism of the dental tourism is also unsurprising from the camp of the German dentists. They see not only the budget, which should be available to them, into the foreign, but fear disadvantages for the patient. A follow-up of possible complications is not given, according to a spokesman of the Federal Association of Kassenzahnarztlichen. The practice shows however that the German dentists have also already made thoughts and partly to grant a three-year warranty or guarantee finishing with colleagues in Germany. One end of the health tourism is therefore currently not refrain.

Pakistan Restaurant

Eat a healthy diet and positive thinking on 27 December 2009, a very special restaurant opened in Dresden: the chicory. Owned by Ursula and Christian Gruhl realized their dream of the full-value restaurant at the age of 80. There meatless and balanced menus, where the optimum ratio between the acid and basic is aimed at, waiting for their guests. The nutrition concept has the goal of a healthy metabolism and to reduce according to Christian Gruhl the risk of a heart attack, that the cause is usually an acidification. The news portal explains the Gruhl’schen diet principles. First of all, the emotional balance of a healthy diet plays an important role. A positive mindset is the restaurant owner Christian Gruhl according to condition for a balanced diet. In addition, the hosts avoid making sour dishes, because they lead to the thickening of the tissue fluid. Instead, full menus from whole grains and natural vegetables and fruits stand up in chicory the a la carte menu. The water, which is used in the Dresden wholefood restaurant, flows through a reverse osmosis in the basement of the House. This is both free of harmful substances and mineral nutrient-poor and has a purifying effect. The liquid is also enlivened by Amethyst, Rose Quartz and rock crystal. Also the salt, which is in the restaurant on the tables is beneficial. The lauded often as “Himalayan salt” salt from Pakistan consists of 84 elements, which corresponds to the number in the human body. As the editorial society reported, spelt-based foods, organic fruit and vegetables, as well as a salad dressing consisting of whey are available in the Dresden restaurant still.