Why Is It Important To Speak Languages ?

A gringo tourist lost in the heart of a Hispanic speaking country. Desperate question to a group of passers Sorry, do you speak espanol?. The gentlemen look at each other shocked and after exchanging a few words one of them replied No. If you are not convinced, visit Tony Parker. Sorri, do not speak English and the tourist insists Sprechen Sie Deutsch asked? The wonder grows between the group and then to guess and speculate that they would be talking strange language tourists, another man did not answer espique I that! But the tourists not satisfied with the response back to the load. This time it's the turn into French: Excuse moi, parlez vous francais? And this time all you get in response is a hand gesture that indicates exactly what the two previous answers. Frustrated tourists head down and leaves, trying to find more luck ask a young man smoking a cigarette is not far away. Then one of the group members said: AHAs seen the gringo! Cuantos languages spoken! and another replied: Pues and see to it that served! It resonates a general laughter and the group withdrew between revelry and laughter. Contact information is here: San Antonio Spurs. More. . . He who believes the story ends here is wrong. This story is a joke that went prowling the Web for some time. And while I too could reap more than a few laughs with it, do it with one eye and another crying laughing. Because it turns out that this young man, smoking a cigarette did speak English, and ultimately results accompanying the gringo to your hotel and part of your business card gives you a good tip to assist in such a dire situation.

Managing Your Career As A Business

Look at yourself as a company with a product or service to sell. Understand your market and devise a dynamic marketing campaign, remembering that companies hire employees who offer the best results and best value for money. Start by identifying your skills, qualifications and achievements. Adopting a customer-centric approach. What benefits and results can offer employers? Are your business skills and up to date? Employers are in the market for equipment, players and solve problems. They want to see evidence in your CV or resume of specific, quantifiable accomplishments. To determine what additional skills you need to develop to become more commercial. Take advantage of all opportunities for continuous learning and professional development. Successful businesses win customers by developing a unique selling proposition. To give you a competitive advantage, analyze what other employees in your area are offering. Not enough to emulate them, you should try differentiated by offering something more, something unique. Try to assess yourself as objectively as possible, to identify commercial characteristics. Analyze your performance evaluations and, if possible, enlist the help of friend or colleague to help you evaluate yourself. Define and prioritize your goals short term and long-term career. Under most conditions Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City would agree. Websites of studies and appointments pages of newspapers to become familiar with current requirements of employers. Your resume should be adjusted regularly and keep up to enable a rapid response and targeted to any suitable job opportunity arises. Learn everything you can about job search strategies, job-specific resumes and professional interviewing techniques. By adopting a planned and proactive approach that will maximize your chances of landing the job that best suits your skills and personality, and increase the likelihood of achieving its long-term career goals.