Italian Resorts

First you need to define the purpose of the trip. Usually, tourists come to Italy in order to: The holiday season is from May to October – to sunbathe and swim in the sea. Italy almost all sides surrounded by the sea. In Italy, there are beaches on everyone: pebble beaches and sandy beaches with yellow and black sand. Black sand – it is nothing like time in the fractured volcanic lava sand. The most famous Italian resorts – on the Adriatic Coast: City of Love – Venice, which in itself is an island in the sea, or rather in Venice is located on 118 islands, connected by numerous bridges, and bridges. Rimini – a favorite of Russian tourists and the most famous resort in the Adriatic. Rimini – is 15 km of sandy beaches and comfortable with all kinds of marine entertainment (surfing, water skiing), water parks, bars and discos. Not far from Rimini is unique The oldest amusement park in Italy, "Italy in miniature." Here are thumbnails of the most important sights of Italy. Ligurian coast in western Italy. Here are located the most luxurious Italian kurotry. San Remo – the largest resort on the Ligurian coast is famous for its well-equipped beaches, theaters, shops, cinemas and casinos. Tourists can take a tour of the Riviera and visit Principality of Monaco, and without any special procedure to visit the nearby posh French resort of Cannes, Monte Carlo, Nice. Portofino is the name given by the Romans, meaning "dolphin bay" – the luxurious resort and a popular Ligurian Riviera. In Portofino prohibited any construction, and it looks about the same as appeared in the late 19th century, when writers and artists a rest. Genoa – the birthplace of Columbus. Genoa is one of the most beautiful cities in northern Italy. Genoa attracts tourists from all over the world scenic beauty and charming architecture of the buildings.

How To Travel To Goa

Little Indian state of Goa each year becoming more attractive for Russian tourists. There are several reasons, firstly, is the climate. When in Russia, the cold and snow, it’s warm, lots of fresh fruit and always a warm sea. Secondly, a large number of tourists from Russia, approximately 50% of the total mass of tourists, which means that communicating with ignorant of English, no problem waking. And third, it is certainly low cost of living. 1. How do I get? Air flight to Mumbai or shared, and then also up to the flight of Goa, is about $ 70-100 (domestic flights). But there can be variations. Can be from Delhi, at a good (and comfort food) train for $ 40 about 2 days’ journey, or from Mumbai by train or bus. Travel by train will cost about $ 20, bus going nearly $ 12 per day. 2. What’s next? If you have arrived, it must somehow and somewhere to get out of the airport. Question where? Goa itself is divided into two parts, north and south. Who is doing difference, in my opinion there is no difference either in price or quality. The only thing we can say that the south is a more relaxing holiday, north respectively Drive. Therefore, if we move from the airport, which is somewhere in between, you guided only by these determinants. Take a taxi and drive the price of travel from the center to the most northern beach of Arambol or to the South Pole wakes Palolema cost about $ 22-25. If you are traveling by train, the place of arrival will be Located in the southern part, but already in the depths of the state, the city of Margao. From it, the same price as the airport, get out in this direction. If you want to relax in the northern part, then go by train to Margao, no sense. In such a case would be wiser to go to the station Pernem, which is located at the beginning of Goa. Arriving by taxi at any chosen town or village, you can easily find a place to live. It is worth it, depending on the season and quality, ranging from 200 to 500 rupees per day per room (15 rupees = 10 rubles). Just for a rest, it is advisable to rent a scooter. Rental price per day is 200 rupees, about 50 lakh plus for gasoline. Prices in the cafes Though different, but the average power of about 300 rupees a day. If you prefer, you can find fast food and cheaper. It is worth noting that many rooms have kitchens and those who can cook, can significantly reduce the cost of food.