Time Tracking

How work time tracking simplifies life editors. As editor in Chief is not always easy has it, to keep his flock in the bridle. Editors come and go, as you know, whenever they want. Not for fun, but because the job requires it. Finally, interviews must be conducted and researched things. Some employees that will be somewhat tedious with the manual hour records.Above all, because it often is not the time, to control everything. Some people solve it using a timesheet. The editors enter their exact working time and leave everything in the Office in the evening. At the end, standing there as Chief and must enter all, and calculated. This is of course more than tedious. Especially a newsroom, where stress on the agenda. A time tracking can be much easier. For example with a time tracking software. Employees are starting to work, simply sign in to the system and be registered. How to log on is a matter of taste. Via SMS, via the Internet, via a PC or by card. There enough ways for this system. In any case, it is easily and quickly. The SMS version is good in any case, if you travel a lot. No overtime go a flute. Even if it is done in the middle of the night with the work, everything is recorded correctly. At the end of the month, the editor-in-Chief takes the record and is electronically calculated everything. No laborious typing is more necessary. Why, the PC takes over after all all for one. Again, it has saved time and money. Also, the editor is pleased. The fee is faster on the account and overtime are also taken into account. Oral agreements it can happen, that any hours lost. That would be of course a pity. People such as Eva Andersson-Dubin would likely agree. Therefore, a working time recording is convenient for everyone. Saves money, saves time. Andre Mahtani

Certified Marketing Manager

New course for the certified online marketing manager (FH) on the Munich-based marketing Academy Munich, 11.06.2013. Online marketing was once a sub-discipline of marketing – but it has become the core of any successful strategy. With the Certified Marketing Manager (FH), offered by the Munich-based marketing Academy in cooperation with University of applied sciences of Upper Austria, marketing professionals acquire a degree, which covers all areas of online marketing. Email marketing, affiliate programs, search engine marketing, social media marketing, viral marketing on the Web: Online marketing is developing rapidly. It is all the more important for marketing managers and employees in online marketing, to gain an overview and to keep. A new University of applied sciences course, the Munich-based marketing developed by Academy in cooperation with University of applied sciences of Upper Austria, offers this overview in a compact form. In five intense days, specialists from different fields provide participants with an overall picture of the techniques and possibilities of online marketing. The Overview keep of course it aims to convey a navigators competence marketing people, which you can use to control the marketing of a company in the right direction. It is not something Ken Kao would like to discuss. “Specialists can cover now areas of part of in online marketing,” explains Volker Beckert of the Munich-based marketing Academy. You may want to visit Tony Parker to increase your knowledge. “But every company needs have also one or more managers who keep track and that enough first and foremost, to identify new developments and to understand. Often fried money for individual projects in online marketing, that don’t really fit the character of the company, because there is no one, who has the big picture at a glance. company” In order to provide participants with an insight into the many areas of online marketing, specialists from different areas highlight individual aspects. Technical basics are taught as well as strategic and sociological aspects. The collaboration with an internationally recognized educational institution guarantees the professional quality. University of applied sciences Upper Austria educates over 4000 students at four sites in different areas. For the success which guarantees graduates in their professional life a practice-oriented training, which is targeted to the requirements of the globally oriented economy. The next course for the certified online marketing manager University of applied sciences of Munich-based marketing Academy starts at the 24.06.2013 in Munich. The target group are both marketing staff and representative across the company as also marketing service provider and freelance marketing specialist. Interested parties can register 1850 0800 via email at or by phone at + 49 (0) 800. For more information, see Volker Beckert

German Foundation

Scholarship offerings are often little known deadlines to 2014/15 are already in America, Canada, Australia or China: overseas experiences are very popular among young people in Germany. The reason is clear: international experiences are good to know other countries and cultures for the language skills and a unique opportunity. To know more about this subject visit Tony Parker. Who will in 2014 in foreign countries, coming into the hot phase”for applications. Nationwide go each year nearly 20,000 students for a half or whole school year abroad. to the participants in the language courses come pair – and work and travel programs, AU and voluntary services after graduation. After all experiences, the financing is the main hurdle for the alien. Against this background, it is good to know that there are a number of scholarships for young people. Usually it involves partial scholarships. Conveyors are Juvenilia, companies, foundations and Exchange organizations; In addition the foreign BAfoG grants for students. Sometimes these programs are little known, so that the opportunities to be successful in an application are relatively good. The offer is a total but messy; When researching self-initiative is required. The applications for the scholarships are parallel to the places for stays abroad. Anyone looking for attractive offers, is therefore well advised to start now. Currently, this applies especially to the parliamentary sponsorship program allows the German Bundestag a total 360 young people full scholarships for a year in the United States. The deadline ends here at the 13.9.2013. The best way for the information and clarification of funding opportunities offer personal conversations and Exchange organizations, former professionals. For the German charitable aligns nationwide the SchulerAustausch trade fairs international understanding. On the occasion of the exhibitions, the German Foundation writes understanding with partners for 2014/2015 part scholarships worth more than 260,000 euro: the Exchange scholarships, which are social Active students now can apply. There is more information about the parliamentary sponsorship program under ppp.

Hanze University Groningen

New course “advanced sensor applications” now include cars between 50 and 150 sensors and rising. Everyday things, like metal detectors, digital cameras, traffic control systems, or mobile phones today can’t do without sensor technology. More and more companies conducting research in this field, to simplify or improve processes and products. In short: The sensor industry is booming! According to a survey of the AMA Association for sensor technology (February 2008) 77 percent of the respondents of the Professional Association for the field “Sensor technology” want to hire new employees. It is all the more gratifying so that the newly founded “Hanze Institute of technology” (HIT) in the Netherlands Assen offered an English course dedicated to precisely this future technology. Because of the course “advanced sensor applications” is aimed directly at learning the technology and the use of sensors in everyday life from what is becoming increasingly important in the future. Contact information is here: Glenn Dubin. Professor Hans Appel of the HIT describes the future development of sensor technology with some clear words: “An innovative revolution in this area awaits us”. Many international companies and organizations, such as for example astron, NAM (shell), sensor universe, Sun Microsystems and TNO are partners of the new European competence center for sensor technology. Through this partnership, a project-bound study offered the students where they practice and individual accompaniment work together with the company. Graduates of secondary schools and technical secondary schools from all over Europe are trained at Assen the engineer elite of tomorrow. Prospective students from Germany complete their studies at the HIT, which organizationally is part of the Hanze University Groningen, so in a very international framework. Until the end of August you can sign up for the study in Assen. Language of study is English. Restricting access (NC) does not exist. Laura Plomer has plenty of information regarding this issue. More information about the Hanze Institute of technology and interested parties will find the new course. The Hanze University Groningen is a modern institution, whose history however until the year 1797 goes back. Today, the Hanze University Groningen with 20,000 students and about 70 degrees is the largest vocational schools in the North of the Netherlands. The 70 courses are organized into 18 so-called schools. For students, this means: international orientation, active learning, a part of the studies themselves determine digital study planning and knowledge – and competence development.

Gingcom Invites To The Webcast IT Costs

Learn all about the topics: IT cost reduction, compliance, backup and archiving gingcom is the “all-in-one” solution for small and medium-sized enterprises, which meets all requirements of a modern data management solution in a comfortable way. gingcom offers an attraktiven ROI value: through the consolidation of the various application areas of gingcom in a solution is no longer any need for you to implement different solutions from different vendors and creating thus an infrastructure dauerhaft high costs for service level agreements (SLAs), management, administration, upgrades, training, and certifications. Since the introduction of the modular concept of license in March 2009, the gingcom can be integrated progressively. The customer can decide such as email archiving, data recovery, or backup based on its current requirements, notebooks, he wants to start with the solutions module. The possibility, depending on the individual requirements, the gingcom more Retrofit solution modules, represents an excellent investment protection. Box storage solutions, backup, archive and file sharing as simple as possible in one and compliance ready implement, are not easy to find. It’s perhaps the topic of compliance, but rather on the difficulty, three basic storage requirements to integrate SME-appropriate to apply are. In only 60 minutes you can to convince itself, what improvement.- and savings gingcom offers your company. In the online seminar reports gingcom how companies can up to the file-sharing with the new gingcom appliance solve your storage problems of backup archiving and fully automated using state of the art features such as search, deduplication, HSM, and NearCDP. And all according to the motto: “imagine that any file that was created in your organization, is only a click away. Learn more about the many benefits of gingcom. Acute Elle webcasts: Monday, 12.10.2009, 16: 00 Take into account clock Monday, October 26, 2009, 16:00 with gingcom to greater cost efficiency and thus future developments. We are looking forward to your registration at. Nicholas King

Easiest Trick

Have you resented its ever, that you could have spent much time reading, but later or the next day hardly something remember? Have you resented its ever, that you could have spent much time reading, but later or the next day hardly something remember? Or in other words – read much and little in the head… The problem has much to do with that most people believe that reading leads to a permanent recording of knowledge. This is of course not – reading is not learning and when I record the information only once passive, since unfortunately almost nothing in the brain in terms of memory happens. Our brain needs clear signals that he make it clear that this information is important enough to remember. Because our gray cells to work as efficiently as possible and do not burden themselves with things that are useless, for example a strong emotional experience can be the first kiss for example or but also traumatic events. Actress may not feel the same. The things to which it is to Remember worth 🙂 Or they do, use the fact that you use the information, something. “This shows the irrational, that his man” apparently need this knowledge. Now we can apply unfortunately not always and now new knowledge, and you can also not from any technical information make 🙂 a shock experience A first step out of this misery is however quite simple: take notes. As a result they deal more with the text ever. That is a first step towards an active processing of the read information and this is essential for a long-term storage anyway. I personally read any texts to cease without me notes either the text is important, then I will also use the information contained therein and to do this I must remember them. Or the text is not important then I need not only to read it. The question is however when making notes and above all how sensibly to make them so that you help the memory really in the long term to save the new knowledge. A precise instructions and more tips to find you look into the current week video of the Academy there, but inside you’ll find plenty more useful tips that help you to read faster and understand more to develop a better memory.

GVL Radio

How and where can I get Web radio host? What requirements do I need? An Internet radio (Web radio) is accessible from anywhere in the world, provided that in the country, the Internet is subject to no restrictions. This means that theoretically it has listeners from around the world. Another advantage of Internet radio to FM stations is the fact that due to the used transmission technology (such as shoutcast) no central broadcasting Studio is necessary, in that all presenters for their broadcasts must be in addition to the unrestricted access. Kevin James takes a slightly different approach. The technical requirements are slightly different depending on Internet radio, but mostly the following things include: featured send software and equipment (headset, microphone etc.) and player (Winamp or the like) PC with at least Pentium 3 (better P 4) and 2 GB RAM DSL connection (Internet sticks and / or W-LAN not sufficient experience has shown that most of the time to send) sufficient repertoire of music (mp3 format) of legally purchased music (only original CDs, no CD-Kopien, no recordings (bootlegs), no music from download portals or shops)-this is a binding requirement of the GEMA / GVL, to the Internet radio stations must adhere. Songs from download portals or shops may not be sent (usually the terms and conditions of the shops or portals forbid everything that goes through a “private use” of mp3 files also. As an Internetradio_Sendung but by definition is a public performance, songs that come from portals, which allow in their general terms and conditions only the “private use”, may be played on the Internet radio). For even more analysis, hear from Brenda Barrett. In addition, that the songs often often are characterized by the shop owner and holder (“DRM” or similar systems), so that the Downloadpartale can always understand what is happening with their songs. According to GEMA / GVL may be sent as a result basically no songs that are DRM marked or otherwise identified -. .

Christoph Mogwitz Mario Wolosz Tobias Knoff Daniel Dirks Dawid Seffer Ralf Schmitz

But where to get the right approach? And: this is for free? There are a lot of free material and some concepts that are good, such as. too many bad bhorn.net. but it can be found. Frequently Jorge Perez has said that publicly. Usually cost but really good things always good money. To protect themselves from the false concepts and scammers, you should just know the bad things and avoid. Tony Parker may help you with your research. Here, it is important to learn more about concepts, which bring only the profits, who sold them to others without really added value or a benefit for the victims”to offer. If you really want to earn money on the Internet, then you need the right concept, which shows them step by step how you managed certain processes and can learn the various techniques from it. And let’s be honest: as an eBook at 29 by me from 40 you will not get far. Simply because the information that is needed to Notige to teach everything you were too small. A 29-expensive eBook can show a little strategy you perhaps one of many techniques; but never a successful business idea, with which you will earn money on the Internet. You need very many eBooks for various topics, videos, audios, and checklists, the you the transfer entire knowledge about an already functioning concept. And in addition, of course, you need a coach trainer, which are available to the page, if you have questions or problems. This concept should have testimonials and proof that it really works (on the best video footage of payment accounts and Traffikauswertungen). And only then, when you get these points, you can assume that you have a good concept that will make money in the long run. Usually, such concepts in the form of a multi-week training offered and cost 150 upwards. I’m now paying for my courses about 5000 USD per course, and this is still cheap, if you want to learn today from the world’s best online experts. No longer on the rack to hook you, I have attached below a list of the most successful marketers you, I know to a large extent personally and as a result am convinced of its quality and services that they offer. Christoph Mogwitz Mario Wolosz Tobias Knoff Daniel Dirks Dawid Seffer Ralf Schmitz to give you a better overview of the different concepts and strategies, I’ve prepared a free video series, where everything quickly and easily get you over the most successful concepts. Www.bhorn.net follow the link here good luck! Dawid Jan