The Tao

The infinite depth is the source from which everything in the universe originates. Neither the sky nor to Earth show benevolence; they treat the things of the world as if they were straw dogs.Neither the wise man is benevolent; It treats people as if they were straw dogs.The space between heaven and Earth is like a bellows: exhales vacuum without ceasing.The more moves it, much more exhalara.It is better to stay in the Center. The Tao never It works, but does everything.If Princes and Kings could retain it, everything would be transformed by itself.If they arise desires, keep them well inside, in that impossible to define simplicity.Thus, things, freed from his desire to act, you will find peace.If there are no desires, everything flows in peace.And the world is amended by itself you not vanes to the wise, you’ll see that the vulgar rivalizara not with him.No values difficult things get, you’ll see that nobody will be delivered to greed.Do not look at what causes your desire, you’ll see that your mind will not suffer from confusion.That is why, when the Sage governs, empty the mind of men and filled their bellies. It weakens your ambition and strengthens your bones.The village is clean: do not know what is wrong or you want what is good.This prevents the triumph of the crafty.The Wise ruling without action; then, nothing remains without a Government. If you want something to shrink, before you must allow it to expand.If you want something is weak, before you do it strong.If you want to demolish a building, before you build it.To receive, there is that give first.We call this subtle wisdom.The weak and the tender expire how hard and strong.That never leave the fish in the water depth.Arms of the Kingdom are not shown abroad. Who knows the men is skillful.Who knows himself is wise.Who beat the others, is strong.Who overcomes himself is mighty.Who is satisfied with what you have, is rich.Who maintains its purpose, is firm.Who stays where he found his home, long-lasting.Who dies more he perisheth not, will have longevity. What we look and we cannot see is simple.We’re listening without being able to hear, the faint.What we played without asir, the least.The simple, the tenuous and the least not can investigate.Combine together in one.Revealed, not it dazzles.Hidden, it does not lose its light.Infinite, it can not be defined.It fades into non-existence.It is shape which has no form, it is the image of non-existrencia.It is elusive and mysterious.You can look at it from the front, but you will not see his face.You can follow him, but you will not manage to see her back.One who adheres firmly to the primordial Tao, governs the existence of each day and can acquire the primordial wisdom.This is the introduction to the Tao.