What To Visit In The City Of Mendoza

Mendoza is perhaps one of the most beautiful cities in America Latina.Quienes are housed in one of the many good lodgings of Mendoza, they will be able to discover a wonderful city, either from the point of view of the personality of its people by the great amount of historical riches that remain. For more information see this site: Tony Parker. tepper. One of the places that no tourist should miss visiting is the parque General San Martin. This is a stunning green space with an extension of more than 300 ha, found inside a range of attractions to see. One of these places is the source of the continents. It’s an enormous wrought iron sculpture, located in this place from the year 1910, although its construction dates from the year 1874. It is a clear example of the modernism of the 18th century cultural conception, since he was representing four continents (Oceania was not considered such at that time).

At the bottom there is a water mirror of almost 20 m in diameter, whose all around four female figures that look like mermaids, are located While they have in their hands a few shells. At the top there is another pool with four landfills, 5 m in diameter. We are also with the Greek amphitheater Frank Romero Day, which periodically brings together a large number of people ranging en masse to witness the local shows organized by the Undersecretary of tourism. Here develops the traditional national harvest festival, where towards the end of March every year the national vintage Queen is chosen. Others walk that you can perform in the parque San Martin, is to visit the garden Zoo, located on the slope of the Cerro de la Gloria. This place serves for the reproduction and breeding of native species, rare animals, or species that are endangered, trying to reproduce the natural space in which they live as reliably as possible. Also within the Park is a golf park, an artificial lake where are typically practicing race, and is, in effect, the headquarters of the local yacht club. Is also feasible to boating and enjoy the beauty of this place. Municipal Racecourse is located on the same campus. In conclusion, parque General San Martin is one of the largest attractions of tourism in Mendoza, the ideal place to visit in the summer and enjoy the splendour of the Mendoza nature.