Stylish Renaissance

Exclusive evening dresses are more in demand than ever! “Dusseldorf/Hamburg, May 23, 2008 – style you’ve got or not just”, a universal formula. Nevertheless: to dress well is quite trainable. Others who may share this opinion include Charlotte Hornets. When choosing the correct outfit for the cocktail party, ball or dinner, yet many young women have difficulties, because nothing would be more embarrassing than to appear over – or underdressed even at a gala event. To remedy this problem, well now also the rubric has dresses”recorded. Women who are still undecided about the choice of their evening outfits, have the opportunity to present their looks of a large community and to get direct feedback here,”says Daniel Sadhu, Managing Director of styleranking media.

Now fashionistas that can easily test, whether they be put down a grand entrance with her dream dress or bathe. With the eveningwear of the fashion and lifestyle label APART envious looks on the red carpet are guaranteed. In addition to the classic gowns in muted Colors stand even more extravagant dresses for the glamorous appearance by the designer. The evening dress by APART presents itself this season in elegant simplicity, surprised however by extravagant cuts, trendy color gradients or stylish sequin embellishments. Two styleranking users can enjoy soon such a dream dress, than to kick off the new dresses “section is giving away the fashion community together with the fashion label APART two exclusive evening dresses, which will be raffled among all members of styleranking. Automatically all members of styleranking take part in the competition, who have registered up to the date as of 30 June at styleranking.

A large part of the Stylranking users are young and up-and-coming designers, who posed with her designs and collections of the fashion community and assess them. Exclusively for the target group of designers are giving away APART and Styleranking two more evening dresses of flowing Georgette. The contest is the start of a close collaboration between styleranking and APART. More common Actions are planned.