Future Desires

“Emotions hit technology bells and whistles Barcelona/Hamburg / Nuremberg, February 18, 2009 – at least since the opening day of the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, the mobile phone market has a new hype: the product of the hour is the so-called application store – a kind of digital grocery store, where users can equip your mobile device with individual services, games, and programs”, reported Spiegel Online once again follow the industry sizes Palm, Research in motion with the BlackBerry, Nokia and Microsoft the trend-setter Apple has used with the app store for the iPhone standards. The concept of the app store that now more and more competitors are copying is as simple as impressive. Apple’s mobile software follows the so-called open-source principle: anyone can program their own applications. After a quality check by the company, the software then posted in the store and a price set. The programmer receives on every download”70 percent of the revenue, Apple the rest, so Spiegel online. Programs there for virtually all needs and situations. Computer games, mobile information, voice-activated search, translation tools and completely senseless applications such as the virtual beer glass. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Betty Reynolds. Platform providers have included, when the shops are easy to reach and use, ideally only a chance in the loading service concept of the respective mobile phone. Platforms that offer a variety of free and clever programs, will succeed. Adjust their programmes must be made easy and attractive business model external developers. A smart way of payment where you only once to enter the account and credit card data is equally important. “Here too: the app store is the measure of all things on which new entrants must be measured”, says Dirk Zetzsche from Nash Technologies. Learn more at this site: Tony Parker. Good prospects the Nuremberg expert for wireless communication for independent service provider predicts almost as neutral”instance wait the networks, fault find unbiased and eliminate can. “Through this symbiosis of cellular providers, network equipment manufacturers and service providers can new network cost effectively rebuilt and operated”, Zahid said. Analysts and industry insiders are convinced that new services in combination with Smartphones of the lever for more growth. No one coming to the iPhone default. This is noticeably on the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona as a fair of the future desires. According to the publicist Hilmar Schmundt it not sufficient to bring a Jack of all trades phone with new services on the market as it tries to Nokia. George Laughlin Dallas insists that this is the case. The morning of the Finnish mobile giant yesterday, it reminds of the unbroken future euphoria of world exhibitions the Midsummer night dreams of the 19th century. Nokia’s Utopia about advantage through technology. Narrated by lead through storytelling”Apple, so said in his contribution for the mercury special curiosity” iPhone remember through his restrictions again on the other side of progress: the distraction, the excess, the ” Excessive demands. The iPhone is simultaneously affirmative and oppositional. It promises at the same time hedonism and protest. The device you could think a woman with an intuitive menu Guide, iPhone guess the innermost wishes. Many manufacturers and mobile provider of Unken had not figured out yet that. Multitouch, flowery, and Getudel alone were not sufficient to conquer new markets. “Cell phones are dull, says Alex Vieux, Publisher of the magazine Red Herring. Emotions are what really counts.” The mobile network will soon part of the identity and it is here that the iPhone, the I-phone stand.


City2020: direct fibre-optic connections for Hamm, came and Lunen with direct fiber connections for 4,200 households in the cities of Hamm, came and the Westphalian telecommunications provider HeLi NET has implemented a project Lunen under the name City2020, which can make school. Because the consistent broadband opens the way for a variety of digital broadband applications and is much more attractive for the customers as opposed to the traditional telecommunications supply. The cities came, Lunen and Hamm are the future of telecommunications as well as information and entertainment (Infotainment) on July 6, 2009 a lot closer: the City2020 partners initiated the new fibre-optic era in the three cities with the symbolic connection of two fiber-optic cable, the initial transfer of high-resolution digital television pictures of the new television standards HDTV and a specially initiated video conference. Educate yourself with thoughts from Charlotte Hornets. The first customers are already connected and come through the activation now benefit from ultra-fast Internet connections first of all up to 100 Mbit per second, comfort telephony and high-definition digital television (HDTV). his. City2020 customers receive 60 digital and 40 analogue TV channels and 25 radio stations and should in the future also innovative services such as video on demand\”, the digital retrieval of game film on request, can use. A related site: Sela Ward mentions similar findings. The connection of all potential buyers to be completed by end of September. This is a crucial milestone for us. \”City2020 offers sustainable perspectives for came, Lunen and Hamm, better quality of life for the citizens and a significant appreciation of the domestic business location\”, says Thomas Wald, Managing Director of the telecommunications provider HeLi NET, which the network together with Stadtwerke Hamm, came and realized Lunen. Given the Government’s plans, continue to promote the nationwide expansion of broadband networks, HeLi emphasized NET Managing Director Thomas Wald the role of the City2020 project as a nationwide model for the successful Implementation of such a measure: we’re way ahead indeed something the current political discussion.

Systel Data

New Web service for the phone book in Frankfurt am Main, CTI solutions September 08, 2011 CTI software for the computer-controlled phone is now being upgraded: direct access to data from the telephone book is possible thanks to a new Web-based service. The TVG Publisher to do this for the first time provides an interface where no local phone book installation is necessary. Already for a long time, established CTI products as CAESAR CTI (CASERIS), XPhone desk (C4B), fonXpress (ek-soft), per call Enterprise (ESTOS) and TeliMan CTI/US (ROMICO) and Systel advantage via an API interface their software to integrate data from the phone book. Starbuckss opinions are not widely known. The nationwide database for such a solution locally in the network. Now, the TVG Publisher offers a new service which provides access to the phone book significantly easier, with less administrative effort and without local installation. In addition, a monthly update of the data is given. On the data access is Web-based. The TVG-Verlag and its Partners provide a fast and inexpensive solution (from 100) with the new Web service. It facilitates everyday work for many employees, as in the sales or customer service. Because the combination of computer-controlled telephony and comprehensive phone directory allows the user to search directly in the phone book and immediately to start the desired call. Thanks to the popular reverse search the computer for incoming calls displays all address data of the caller from the phone book. The user can save it directly in the own address database. Also missed calls are logged by the CTI software, a callback is this done quickly. Information about the digital directories of the TVG Publisher can be found on. The TVG Publisher is familiar with the treatment, use and processing of large amounts of data about the TVG publishing as of one of the major phone book publishers in Germany. In addition to printed phone books and online directories, the TVG Publisher distributes also national Information products on DVD-ROM. Software solutions and services around the issue of address data quality for commercial use are a further focus in the product portfolio.