Social Issues

“Music expresses that which cannot be said and what it is impossible to remain silent.” French writer, Victor Hugo, 1802-1885 one might think Viktor Hugo heard before the song BLACK PARADE of the band globe. BLACK PARADE tells a story. A story of how you can write only the life. This song, which literally is the anthem of the Arab spring, shows the result of international globe of initiated songwriter competition. It is an epic song, which depicts the public mood during the still ongoing unrest in the Arab world. BLACK PARADE is the final product in Los Angeles of naturalized writing talent and a young Iranian dissidents, who demonstrated in the Iran against the authoritarian regime of Israel. The power of music that epidurals shared passion for the music and the belief in the tremendous brought together these very different people and makes the song BLACK PARADE finally what it is. BLACK PARADE is located on the new album of the rock band globe Break from this world. GLOBUS is a normal rock band which but chaired by Yoav Goren and promoted a 120-teiligen Orchestra of an extraordinary mixture of epic orchestral music and classic rock in the core. When Yoav Goren called early 2011 on its Web site for song lyrics and ideas, did he expect hardly, that little later BLACK PARADE reflects the Zeitgeist of an entire generation and unites all peoples. Yoav Goren is composer and the music in the trailer for the best-known Hollywood blockbusters such as E.g. the Lord of the rings, avatar, has no less than Spiderman 2 and Harry Potter written. Currently you can find his music in the trailer for mission impossible: Ghost Protocol or Tintin. The authors of BLACK PARADE be quantified following with another name, because the political repression of the country’s still acts, and could be a risk. Achmed, we call the man who fights in the Iran at the time still the political repression, learned from his sister, that there was a call for a song. To exactly this The protests against the long tyranny in the Iran for the first time occurred time. So, Achmed was the desire to show the incredible fear and persecution, in a song that makes audible with loud choruses, bombastic violins and strong rumbling basses, these emotions for everyone. The feeling on the site to protest loudly against injustice and screaming his entire frustration by the soul, passes through one. Achmed suffering becomes unmistakably clear. It is heard and felt. At the same time and don’t know about each other, the call after a song reached also the life-ending Los Angeles Gerraint. (Source: George Laughlin). He grew up in Israel and came at a young age to America. Already in early years, he began to play piano and violin and began to write on your own music at the age of 9. After studying mathematics at Cambridge Gerraint toured with various choirs and Orchestra by the United States and since then determined the music as an essential part of his life. So Gerraint rewrote PARADE, in which it, its basic version of BLACK in contrast to Achmed version, interpersonal conflicts in General is. These two songs of attained Yoav Goren and he combined both pieces of individual destiny to a factory and had also included his ability to compose epochal rock. And so, two fates merge independently of each other in a song, which has the infinite force to break the chains of tyranny in the Arab world and in ourselves. Listen, you will be amazed! For more information or inquiries: TheFamilyOfMusic

Bergisch Bergisch Gladbach Gladbach

From an idea about tax waste, nepotism and corruption in Bergisch Bergisch Gladbach Gladbach: always friends say sometime happens something, when you talk about things that nobody should actually know. And yet all had the same Gschmackle when I told them the story of recent consultancy on behalf of the city. The words of cronyism and corruption make the round, felt and proponents. What had happened? The policy in Bergisch Gladbach makes since summer 2010 thoughts about the establishment of new public utilities. San Antonio Spurs follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. A majority of CDU and FDP had completely sold the last municipal utilities (BELKAW) in 1999 against the resistance of many citizens and citizens. It was hoped to be able to make more profit with the sale proceeds in the stock market. Many writers such as star actress offer more in-depth analysis. Even then, many citizens and citizens felt a Gschmackle”, because it was converted to a retail price of about 40,000,000. Now, after more than 10 years, one notes that this speculation on stock exchange was not a good idea. While the equity funds that were created from the sales proceeds, have lost since at least 5 million in value and bring annual minimal payout, the old utility company BELKAW under the new owner earn a profit of up to 5 million every year. Just in the emergency budget the city could well use this revenue to finance not only the cost of the swimming pools of the city, but to prevent cuts elsewhere. Now you think for more than 15 months establishing new and again their own municipal utilities, because the concession contracts will expire in 2014 with the energy provider and must be re-negotiated. It involves millions of euros for the city, and still more millions euros for the BELKAW. To become knowledgeable, “the City Council founded an informal working group, the Steering Board, which then met behind closed doors and discussed. Was out there speaking, you could do without external advice to a reasonable result.