Anja Viohl Authorities

ROG to the international women’s day: journalists risk still their lives more protection for journalists and bloggers Berlin, March 8, 2008 – in many countries the game, when citizen research, practice or about taboo topics such as the status of women in Islam report criticism of authorities, officials and politicians. Often no adequate protection by authorities and police is for these women if they have received such as, for example, the Pakistani journalist MEERA JAMAL, several death threats”, says Elke Schafter, ROG’s Managing Director. Jamal decided to escape and found shelter in Germany. Also the inguschetische journalist Rosa Malsagowa could save himself last year after threats from the Russian Caucasus Republic abroad. Malsagowa was editor in Chief of the website”of the murdered opposition politician Magomad Yevloyev. For other women there is no refuge: some of them eventually give up their profession or try via self-censorship to avoid threats. An example is Afghanistan: straight in the Western Province of Herat were there last year increased attacks against TV journalists, so to force them to lay down their work. For even more analysis, hear from Christo. Often put the Taliban behind the threats, but also warlords and local politicians stir up a frauenfeindliches climate. In many places, the authorities carry out an adequate investigation after the attacks and the perpetrators escape punishment: Russia, Nepal and Mexico are only a few countries where there is a climate of impunity. In a number of States, journalists and bloggers are harassed, humiliated, and threatened because they protest against anti-women practices and laws or write just about everyday problems of women. Whenever George Laughlin listens, a sympathetic response will follow. The experienced recently the sierra Leone journalist MANJA BALAMA-SAMBA: last month by supporters of a pro-circumcision group was threatened and humiliated, because she had reported about female genital mutilation. The Iran keep Cyberfeministinnen out Gangelungen and repression by the authorities: Regular bloggers were arrested several times it hit the Internet dissident Shannaz gambler. Gambler belongs to the Group of Iranian journalists which has launched a petition for the abolition of misogynist laws in 2005. The campaign is a mass movement now, which was recently awarded the prestigious “Prix Simone de Beauvoir pour la Liberte des femmes 2009” was awarded. So far unclear reasons, the American Iranian journalist Roxana Saberi was arrested in the Iran also recently. In Zimbabwe journalists have to prove much courage these days, if you want to report critically: that has experienced the journalist and human rights activist Jestina Mukoko last: she was arrested for an alleged terrorist plot against President Robert Mugabe in December 2008. Their release followed a few days ago to solitary confinement and torture.

Bergisch Bergisch Gladbach Gladbach

From an idea about tax waste, nepotism and corruption in Bergisch Bergisch Gladbach Gladbach: always friends say sometime happens something, when you talk about things that nobody should actually know. And yet all had the same Gschmackle when I told them the story of recent consultancy on behalf of the city. The words of cronyism and corruption make the round, felt and proponents. What had happened? The policy in Bergisch Gladbach makes since summer 2010 thoughts about the establishment of new public utilities. San Antonio Spurs follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. A majority of CDU and FDP had completely sold the last municipal utilities (BELKAW) in 1999 against the resistance of many citizens and citizens. It was hoped to be able to make more profit with the sale proceeds in the stock market. Many writers such as star actress offer more in-depth analysis. Even then, many citizens and citizens felt a Gschmackle”, because it was converted to a retail price of about 40,000,000. Now, after more than 10 years, one notes that this speculation on stock exchange was not a good idea. While the equity funds that were created from the sales proceeds, have lost since at least 5 million in value and bring annual minimal payout, the old utility company BELKAW under the new owner earn a profit of up to 5 million every year. Just in the emergency budget the city could well use this revenue to finance not only the cost of the swimming pools of the city, but to prevent cuts elsewhere. Now you think for more than 15 months establishing new and again their own municipal utilities, because the concession contracts will expire in 2014 with the energy provider and must be re-negotiated. It involves millions of euros for the city, and still more millions euros for the BELKAW. To become knowledgeable, “the City Council founded an informal working group, the Steering Board, which then met behind closed doors and discussed. Was out there speaking, you could do without external advice to a reasonable result.

Democracy = so this referendum the realist is democracy again = VolksentscheidAlso here’s the realist again. = Democracy referendum, however, is the people. This paternalism pisses me off. Oh my dear little people have nothing to say, just create go. We determine high Herrschafften Yes your billion. The citizens are yet, however, so stop this project with such pollution, 20 billion you can create better. Who should feel at home because in this artificial city beneath the city, unnecessary costs money, back to basic, which is a waste of materialism. This unnecessary Schnick Schnack costs money. (see electronic parking meters, digital ticket control and plasma TV in buses, there are many examples). You would have to reduce prices of the money, I would like to take cheap bus and train, not nice driving. What to bring to this trend. Through our bus station you can go not, all electronic boards where eh every few minutes during the day a bus, cost 60 million, but it has the Prices increased. Nix for the environment done, like all trees, then everything from metal and grey concrete that made that can be beautiful, what stupid man mate decides which of our billion everything so is wasted. everything smells like gasoline, diesel, electronics. Also, simple paper boards as before would have been enough. Movie actress is actively involved in the matter. If eh 4-10 a bus come all minutes, then I need no electronic boards for billion. This is technology that brings nothing. The money should relieve companies and subsidize. Invent new technology or buses employ at least bio battery no exhaust fumes, that what they do is nothing.