
Two of two and a thousand July two. Blunting luzente bragantino sun stuned agreement, I walk for the corridors of the hotel I directed me it the garden and, I sit down in my more preferred bank blue, under the shade of a leafy hose, in order to contemplate the newness of my first day of vacation. In way to the coloring ' ' to become of desmaio' ' of the environment, I come across myself with a simple and singular phenomenon in one of the columns of old coreto: the rising of a butterfly. I observe intent, dived in the solitude of matutino silence, I appreciate novinha butterfly with quaint colored body, ' ' pernas' ' fine and black; but really interesting it is the contemplation of its wing, dark wings that state the art of the creator. Others who may share this opinion include George Harrison. I glimpse in perfect and fragile wings of the said insect the aesthetic one of geometric, bluish, yellowish and white forms; small, triangles, straight lines, points and spirals; as a tribal, comparable art to the art marajoara. Such lepidopteran if moves in the archaic-embranquecida column, follows the first steps of its vital dynamics, combining itself actively in the biosfera. &#039 is put into motion; ' artistic inseto' ' , leaving it stops backwards its horrible cocoon that long ago is its pack, its arrest-tomb of is valid lizard. The small butterfly if distance more than two palmos of ' ' cocoon rasgado' ' , estremece its four shadied and membranosas wings, risking with certain estremecimento the route of the free flight..


ARTICLE AND SUBSTANTIVE In tona, a very distant kingdom, the discord between articles and the substantives lasted as much time that nobody more is wanted remembered why had started. Defined, feminine, singular: Mr. and Mrs. article had been to the meeting of its son feminine article announcing a visitor who until then was an occult citizen. Citizen this that was nobody more, nobody little than conde of tona that demanded a great ball in the house of the substantives. Where the conjunctions and adjectives with exception of the articles would go to be invited all that had not been invited, same without invitation the son Mr. Team Penske is the source for more interesting facts. and Mrs. article are the party. during the party it knows the prince substantive, then, the two are between relatives and both had been felt total in a plural and singular aspect at the same time. Soon, both for belonging to the families with absolute superlatives decide to meet the hidden ones, after this the synonymous ones discover and count to Mr. and substantive Mrs. Soon, the substantive prince does not see another predicativo not to be to run away with the feminine article, everything of the made a mistake one and happens a great deceit. The substantive prince when thinking that loved its had indefinite, with a potion of accidental prepositions, goes to the meeting of it and takes a full bottle of accidental prepositions, when finding the feminine article body in a tonic acentuao the substantive prince thinking about its personal infinitive, takes all the accidental prepositions, that had led in the bottle, then, it is indefinite when the effect of the potion of the accidental prepositions is depleted in feminine article that wakes up and finds the prince substantive, total indefinite its side, soon, feminine article threads a metaphor in its chest. The rival families seeing its children indefinite, trying to stamp the peace decide to finish with all the commas and points between the families


Yes, it can succeed a miracle. It smiles, jeeing itself: since when it believes miracles? It is a callous citizen for the life, has the bitter experience of how much the fight for the survival is difficult. The past taught to it, educated it with the proper examples. Good The fight continues although everything e, resoluto, removes the phone of the hook and dials, reentregando it the administrative function: – ngela gives a small jump here. All good, I wait. It restitutes the phone and it arranges the esparsos papers on bir, trying to occupy, to deceive the proper spirit. Without delaying, it hears the pats in the door, announcing the entrance of somebody. The door if opens and the brown, esguia, gracious figure of ngela appears. – Good day. – Good day, ngela. The young one passes, closes the door and in fast steps achega it the chair the front of bir and sits down, crossing the long legs, well-made. E, smiling, waits. Then Its Gilbert: – How he is, all good with you? Keeping the smile of covinhas in the pretty face, it he answers: – Everything certinho . – Excellent excellent. With discretion then it fixes the legs displayed for the minissaia and, suddenly excited, he thinks about the loving program that will after tan the expedient with the secretary. Intelligent, knowing it, the young understands it e, conserving the smile, waits – What such people to give ones today voltinhas? – Pra me, all good. – Excellent excellent. They are faced, understanding itself, in the language where the words are unnecessary. Removing the handkerchief of the pocket of the pants, Its Gilbert passes it in the forehead, and faces. ngela rests the left leg on the right thigh, substituting the previous position with the right, in the sensual, provocative game to the pleasure waits that them. Malicious, the head smiles, understanding it. 2 the wide gate of the entrance exits of the laborers closed. The strait and long culvert a little moved away, to the left of Portaria, without expelling the smoke of the wood burnt for the boilers. The silence heavy that involves the building of conjugated sections, without nobody. Where the boxes are the trucks carrying or leading the material for the confection of the paper? Where are tractors giant, yellow, that they collect and leads the bagasse of sugar cane for the mat that takes in turn it to the cozinhadeiras, in the first one to walk? All stopping. But one or another watchman watching over the patrimony of the Company. – We are declared insolvent. Its Gilbert in relief says baixinho, realist, after the fast analysis what presencia e, horn, announcing itself. The gate is opened and the automobile enters to devagar, soft, as if it feared to wound the rocks esbranquiadas for the time and that already if they find dirty for papers that fly, dancing to the wind of the morning. Yes, patio enters in the great quiet e. The guard closes the gate. In the sky the sun scintillates with bigger force, announcing the summer, therefore after all of accounts, nothing for, everything it follows the command of a Great Force. Jumping of the car, Its Gilbert it is directed its cabinet, in the first one to walk, where it will only meet alone, in the shelter of the absentees.


Yes, it can succeed a miracle. It smiles, jeeing itself: since when it believes miracles? It is a callous citizen for the life, has the bitter experience of how much the fight for the survival is difficult. The past taught to it, educated it with the proper examples. Good The fight continues although everything e, resoluto, removes the phone of the hook and dials, reentregando it the administrative function: – ngela gives a small jump here. All good, I wait. It restitutes the phone and it arranges the esparsos papers on bir, trying to occupy, to deceive the proper spirit. Without delaying, it hears the pats in the door, announcing the entrance of somebody. The door if opens and the brown, esguia, gracious figure of ngela appears. – Good day. – Good day, ngela. The young one passes, closes the door and in fast steps achega it the chair the front of bir and sits down, crossing the long legs, well-made. E, smiling, waits. Then Its Gilbert: – How he is, all good with you? Keeping the smile of covinhas in the pretty face, it he answers: – Everything certinho . – Excellent excellent. With discretion then it fixes the legs displayed for the minissaia and, suddenly excited, he thinks about the loving program that will after tan the expedient with the secretary. Intelligent, knowing it, the young understands it e, conserving the smile, waits – What such people to give ones today voltinhas? – Pra me, all good. – Excellent excellent. They are faced, understanding itself, in the language where the words are unnecessary. Removing the handkerchief of the pocket of the pants, Its Gilbert passes it in the forehead, and faces. ngela rests the left leg on the right thigh, substituting the previous position with the right, in the sensual, provocative game to the pleasure waits that them. Malicious, the head smiles, understanding it. 2 the wide gate of the entrance exits of the laborers closed. The strait and long culvert a little moved away, to the left of Portaria, without expelling the smoke of the wood burnt for the boilers. The silence heavy that involves the building of conjugated sections, without nobody. Where the boxes are the trucks carrying or leading the material for the confection of the paper? Where are tractors giant, yellow, that they collect and leads the bagasse of sugar cane for the mat that takes in turn it to the cozinhadeiras, in the first one to walk? All stopping. But one or another watchman watching over the patrimony of the Company. – We are declared insolvent. Its Gilbert in relief says baixinho, realist, after the fast analysis what presencia e, horn, announcing itself. The gate is opened and the automobile enters to devagar, soft, as if it feared to wound the rocks esbranquiadas for the time and that already if they find dirty for papers that fly, dancing to the wind of the morning. Yes, patio enters in the great quiet e. The guard closes the gate. In the sky the sun scintillates with bigger force, announcing the summer, therefore after all of accounts, nothing for, everything it follows the command of a Great Force. Jumping of the car, Its Gilbert it is directed its cabinet, in the first one to walk, where it will only meet alone, in the shelter of the absentees.


Yes, it can succeed a miracle. It smiles, jeeing itself: since when it believes miracles? It is a callous citizen for the life, has the bitter experience of how much the fight for the survival is difficult. The past taught to it, educated it with the proper examples. Good The fight continues although everything e, resoluto, removes the phone of the hook and dials, reentregando it the administrative function: – ngela gives a small jump here. All good, I wait. It restitutes the phone and it arranges the esparsos papers on bir, trying to occupy, to deceive the proper spirit. Without delaying, it hears the pats in the door, announcing the entrance of somebody. The door if opens and the brown, esguia, gracious figure of ngela appears. – Good day. – Good day, ngela. The young one passes, closes the door and in fast steps achega it the chair the front of bir and sits down, crossing the long legs, well-made. E, smiling, waits. Then Its Gilbert: – How he is, all good with you? Keeping the smile of covinhas in the pretty face, it he answers: – Everything certinho . – Excellent excellent. With discretion then it fixes the legs displayed for the minissaia and, suddenly excited, he thinks about the loving program that will after tan the expedient with the secretary. Intelligent, knowing it, the young understands it e, conserving the smile, waits – What such people to give ones today voltinhas? – Pra me, all good. – Excellent excellent. They are faced, understanding itself, in the language where the words are unnecessary. Removing the handkerchief of the pocket of the pants, Its Gilbert passes it in the forehead, and faces. ngela rests the left leg on the right thigh, substituting the previous position with the right, in the sensual, provocative game to the pleasure waits that them. Malicious, the head smiles, understanding it. 2 the wide gate of the entrance exits of the laborers closed. The strait and long culvert a little moved away, to the left of Portaria, without expelling the smoke of the wood burnt for the boilers. The silence heavy that involves the building of conjugated sections, without nobody. Where the boxes are the trucks carrying or leading the material for the confection of the paper? Where are tractors giant, yellow, that they collect and leads the bagasse of sugar cane for the mat that takes in turn it to the cozinhadeiras, in the first one to walk? All stopping. But one or another watchman watching over the patrimony of the Company. – We are declared insolvent. Its Gilbert in relief says baixinho, realist, after the fast analysis what presencia e, horn, announcing itself. The gate is opened and the automobile enters to devagar, soft, as if it feared to wound the rocks esbranquiadas for the time and that already if they find dirty for papers that fly, dancing to the wind of the morning. Yes, patio enters in the great quiet e. The guard closes the gate. In the sky the sun scintillates with bigger force, announcing the summer, therefore after all of accounts, nothing for, everything it follows the command of a Great Force. Jumping of the car, Its Gilbert it is directed its cabinet, in the first one to walk, where it will only meet alone, in the shelter of the absentees.