Dealing with Stress

Stress is one of the first few words are more descriptive than others Which image has the word evokes the stress for you? Putting on tiptoe stretching more that can, and still be able to reach that Apple, which hangs above the branch so mature and so nearly alluringly. Try fit only to too little else in the suitcase. Try to just put that a little more in one already more agenda full of work. Trying to find the three small children, cooking dinner and adorable for your husband and all at the same time! I could go on indefinitely, but all of the above are everyday examples of the tension that we voluntarily submit to why they do it? The reasons that lead to most of us, is the desire, the desire to make our life better, safer, achieve stability and happiness and, however in achieving these laudable goals that often is stress. Let’s be very clear here, the stress is bad, very bad and symptoms of stress in our lives are as a mechanism of self-protection, a flashing red light in the depths of our being. When someone, or something else of emphasizing that ultimately, be broken, or be destroyed, unless the cause that the creation of tension turns to organize, deleted, banished, or was very early. All this is so simple, so you may be thinking, I can not walk away from the stressful situation currently I am inside. OK, a point of view reasonable, so we’re going to see some of the common causes of stress. I have a very stressful job. Why do you have a stressful job? Earn a living is something that all we have to do to survive, but have very often lost to be, we lose our sense of perspective and allow ourselves to be like small mice inside the wheel placed in one form or another.We can see clearly that mind is not how much effort the mouse starts up, its not going anywhere. Are we different, are they really smarter than the mouse? Ambition can be a very positive human characteristic, so that we can accommodate this ambition with ease. Another example is a crane, a very useful machine. You can move a considerable weight of A to B, but you need an intelligent crane driver. If crane tries to move a weight above its capacity of A to B will occur an error and, possibly, destroy itself and what was trying to raise. Most of us find hobbies or professions that we believe will improve our lives, to improve things, a very normal human attribute. Connect with other leaders such as Casey Lynch Altamont here. The problem can be when we lose sight of our goal and are they obsessed on any path that we have chosen. Perhaps each one of us have to undergo periodic stress tests in order to simplify our lives, a detoxification mental if you like.

Happy Wishing

All people want things. From the baby that you want your bottle to quench their hunger, the businessman who aspires to win $ 1 billion in the next three years, the shepherd who aspires to carry their religion to the confines the Earth, the ascetic who retires to meditate in solitude to achieve union with God or his spirit, etc. We all want something. Want better things is good, wish things is inevitable. Each of the beings of the universe you want to. Until God wants. It was God’s desire that I think the universe. The desire to expands the universe and forces people to be improved, to be better. What is negative in relation to desire, is being unhappy while you are. Some people want something and instead of working to achieve it, suffer by not having it. That attitude produces unhappiness. Happiness is when you want something and decide that it is yours. If that something is yours, then you are happy, because they know that it is yours. Then when you work by materializing it into your life, you do so with joy, encouragement, with confidence. Every thing you want and bring it to act and get it, improves it you and the universe. If people are unhappy and do not get what they want is because they have not learned to be happy wishing, no know how to wish and work intelligently and easily to obtain everything what they want. When you are working smarter and want with happiness, what you want then becomes easy to each person’s life. No matter what you want to, you should only wish with joy and all materialise quickly. How to obtain this security that gives happiness? Getting that our desires are magnetic? The only way to make our what you want, fast and pleasant, it is establishing a goal. Not all the goals are the same. Many goals do not work because the procedures to secure not recorded, not printed in the subconscious mind what you want and therefore there is that feeling of having the thing. Without that sense of possession, falls into desired painfully, because do not have what you want and perhaps never have. To make a goal to produce the things that you want to of quickly must comply with certain requirements. The powerful & compelling goals presented in the book the secret of the power of goals, meet all the necessary requirements to make your subconscious mind to turn from what you want. That possession makes you feel happy, full of joy and things you want to get fast, easy and honest to your life. Irresistible targets achieved an agreement between your conscious mind and your subconscious mind. That makes your subconscious mind to alter your reality to give you everything you want. Soon you will be enjoying the life of their dreams. Anything you want is out of your reach if desired with joy and happiness. Everything you want to get quickly and effortlessly if you apply the powerful techniques exposed in the secret of the power of goals.